Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Just messing around with some real-time reflections from Igor -
Go for a fly with an helicopter !
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Fly in an helicopter simulation -
Log Riders - Alpha Gameplay
Work in Progress - Started by DooMAGE,
Log Riders is an exploration physics based first-person platformer game, where you have to try get to the end of the stage while without falling in the water. The game will feature more stages later in the development and some new twists and craziness to m
You can try the alpha at:
Leadwerks 3.5 Indie Texture Bombing
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Playing around with texture bombing. -
WatchaMaCallit 3D Inventory Test
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
This is a 3D inventory test for my new game I'm making with the Leadwerks game engine. idunno what to call it yet 'cos I'm still making it. But I do have weapons, it is FPS ,RPG, driving and inventory that is 3D ! 3D spinning inventory objects for inve -
Work in Progress - Started by josk,
The first pre-alpha level of LockDown(Escpe Plan) to show the first intergration of the FlowGUI inventory.