moteldefense debug 2014 04 15 03 33 53
Work in Progress - Started by Einlander,
Very simple breakable wall script. -
Despair of ordinary men
Work in Progress - Started by Angelwolf,
Quick video of my shameless Doom clone in action. Have always loved Doom and Doom 2 and could never find another game just like the way it played. So here we are, I decided to give it a go and see what I could come up with using the Leadwerks engine!
Base Player Improvements
Work in Progress - Started by reepblue,
I pretty much took my base player code and added a ton of functionality such as soundscapes, HUD features, Input Glyphs, and more.
Jetpack Car :D
Work in Progress - Started by Marcousik,
Just press Space bar to go up in the air..
Smooth landing feature is scripted.
TEMP 2022-03-25 10-12-45.mp4
Real-time Global Illumination WIP
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
The edges of the GI volume now fade as they go out of range. This can be used with the final GI stage to fade the effect out, or to smooth the transition between stages. It was difficult to get the code for this exactly right because the volume texture moves in increments with the camera.
Screen-space voxel ray tracing hybrid
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
First typical screen-space reflections are shown, which fade out as the reflected object moves out of the camera view. Next is shown SSR combined with voxel reflections that take over when screen reflection information is not available.
Screen space reflections with roughness
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
This shows screen space reflections (SSR) with per-pixel roughness. Even without any temporal filtering / accumulation the results are still pretty smooth.
Introduction to Ultra Engine API
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
Here are some of the new API features you will find in Ultra Engine.