World Reflection Cubemaps
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Leadwerks lacks a way for environment artists to make materials have world reflections. With the recent PBR/substance shaders, I thought I should give this a look at, and mimic how Source does it, which isn't really next gen, but it's better than nothing. -
Player controller with multiple views
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
A super alpha version of an all in one player controller. And a small appearance of my test ai system. -
Evaluation Abridged
Work in Progress - Started by Einlander,
Just showing some mechanics of one of the projects I'm working on. It needs more sound effects and some of the platforms need texturing. A few puzzle rooms will be added and it will be released for the Leadwerks Game Player.
LeadwerksENetLua Network Test
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Using ENet, exposed to Leadwerks' lua engine and communicating with a local win console app server. Basic chat system and entity movement implemented. -
One More Day - Game DevLog (Part1)
Work in Progress - Started by xtom,
A quick devlog showing early progress on my new survival game "One More Day". The game is being made in the Leadwerks engine http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/home?showbanner=0 Inventory tutorials for Leadwerks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WGRH -
One More Day - DevLog (Part 3)
Work in Progress - Started by xtom,
In this video I show some of the buildings in the game and the zombies. One More Day is a survival horror game in the making. The game is being made in the Leadwerks game engine http://www.leadwerks.com/ -
Mages Alchemy
Work in Progress - Started by tjheldna,
A quick look into my project 'Mages Alchemy'. Showing elements such as cutscenes; educational elements; casting and basic gameplay. Thanks for watching.
Dangerous Rays Daycycle
Work in Progress - Started by franck22000,
This video show the daycycle and a bit of the dynamic weather system in Dangerous Rays.
Weekend Workshop #12
Streams and Events - Started by Josh,
In this episode we review the week's progress and discuss some proposed revisions to the asset pipeline.
Weekend Workshop #14
Streams and Events - Started by Josh,
This week we review the new foliage system, learn some tricks to make outdoor scenes look better, and discuss progress on our example game.