Mercenary Action Figure
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
Get it here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=625293948. -
Wild West
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
I don't know. Sheep model was made by Wailing Monkey. Music by Nine Inch Nails (and is legal to use). -
Leadwerks Engine & Newton Game Dynamics - 2000 oildrums
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
Visit http://www.leadwerks.com and start making games. Shows off the capabilities of the new Newton Game Dynamics SDK and Leadwerks Engine. Note this ... -
3D World Studio training - Introduction
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
This video will introduce you to the 3D World Studio editor and show basic aspects of the interface. -
Dangerous Rays Pre-Release Gameplay Video 1
Work in Progress - Started by franck22000,
Official Website:
[SNEAK PEEK] Dangerous Rays Alpha 14
Work in Progress - Started by franck22000,
Here is a quick look of Dangerous Rays Alpha 14. New melee weapons, physics impact sounds, destructible crates, improved graphics and vegetation, better inventory icons and more...
Available now at: http://www.dangerousrays.com/buy
Alpha 14 Changelog: http://forums.lonelybitsgames.com/vie...
Realtime GPU FFT in Leadwerks 4
Work in Progress - Started by klepto2,
An early stage of GPU FFT using the stockham FFT with the Phillipsspectrum to produce ocean waves. -
vehicle driving
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Vehicle driving in Leadwerks 4.2 SDMG-STUDIO.eu -
Demo GTA-Like with LE 27062016
Work in Progress - Started by Marcousik,
Gameplay Demo GTA-Like with Leadwerks