Clustered Forward Rendering
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
Our new forward renderer has all the flexibility of a deferred renderer, without any of the drawbacks. MSAA, transparency, and per-material light settings all work ... -
Picking objects up in VR
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
Fixed the object rotation now. It works great! -
Robotic Arm VR Prototype
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
We have no connection to Team Fortress 2 or Source Engine, despite what YouTube is showing below. This is a demonstration of our robotic arm prototype with ... -
Newton 3 14 Vehicles
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
Demonstration of new vehicle model in Newton 3.14, with slip differential. -
Mercs vs. Crawlers
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
It's good to have friends when mutant infestations loom. -
Vegetation picking and decals
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
This video shows the player interacting with vegetation objects. Vegetation objects are special because they aren't stored in memory at all, but instead are ... -
Terrain Tessellation
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
Painting with displacement map layers in Leadwerks Editor. -
Amazing real-time reflections
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
Check out Igor's post effect here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=414422238. -
Scripted Mech
Work in Progress - Started by Admin,
Scripted mech in Leadwerks Editor. It's my first attempt to make a walking robot. -
[SNEAK PEEK] Dangerous Rays Alpha 14
Work in Progress - Started by franck22000,
Here is a quick look of Dangerous Rays Alpha 14. New melee weapons, physics impact sounds, destructible crates, improved graphics and vegetation, better inventory icons and more...
Available now at: http://www.dangerousrays.com/buy
Alpha 14 Changelog: http://forums.lonelybitsgames.com/vie...