[Episode 1] Development of Fallen Legion
Work in Progress - Started by f13rce,
Please consider to like, comment or even subscribe If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will be reading all the comments!
Also please note that I'm currently on my laptop because my PC is having some troubles at the moment. The sound and graphics quality is a bit off then.
In case you're interested in smaller updates, I recommend going to the Facebook page of Fallen Legion: http://www.facebook.com/FallenLegionRPG
Voxel Cone Step Tracing WIP
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
Further refinement. Light leaks are mostly eliminated, using a fairly large voxel size of 0.25 meters.
Work in Progress - Started by Genebris,
Very fast and difficult arena FPS where the goal is to kill as many enemies as you can until you are dead. Collect ammo and health pickups to stay alive longer.
Bunny hopping and wall jumping 3 weapons: Anesthetic. Shotgun and Firework. Firework's rocket inherits a percentage of your speed when launched 2 types of enemies: mele and archers Steam leaderboards Painkiller OST a.k.a. "The best music in games" by Mech -