One More Day - DevLog (Part 2)
Work in Progress - Started by xtom,
This video shows more work done on the inventory system. One More Day is a survival horror game in the making. The game is being made in the Leadwerks game engine http://www.leadwerks.com/ -
Lone Water Prologue Playthrough
"I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS A HORROR GAME" - ProofreadFire 2016 -
Water experiment
Work in Progress - Started by klepto2,
Experimental LOD tessellation of the new water mesh in Leadwerks. Normals and reflection still needs a lot of work. -
AI in Leadwerks Patrol Points
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
This is a video tutorial that is supposed to compliment my written tutorial. -
Infinitus Proelium WIP Video 1
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Work in progress early video of dynamically created 'houses' on the grid. They still need 'doors' and collision with the player. -
Leadwerks 3.2 Indie Highlight and Glass Effect Shaders
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Two shader effects working together in LE3. Waiting for access to default buffer to try other effects. -
Endless Light. Teaser. The Planet.
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
I made this with Leadwerks Game Engine! You can find our project "Endless Light" on IndieGoGo: http://igg.me/p/796410/x/6407803 -
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Messing around with the particle emitter. The weird black artifacts are from my laptop drivers. -
Transporting Mutant
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Wanted to see what would happen if Crawler passed through a transport trigger ( Rick aka: Pillar's Transport Script). -
Leadwerks MonsterVSPlayerTutorial
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Setting up a simple floor, player and a crawler in Leadwerks. Building a NavMesh for crawler to track and attack player. -