Tank battle arena (gameplay 2)
Work in Progress - Started by ValT,
Almost full remake of old good game :-) Supporting cooperative for 2 players. 2 gamepads or keyboard. Designed for PC.
Revamped Cyclone Behavior
Work in Progress - Started by reepblue,
I pretty much had to rewrite my FPS player and Cyclone code but it was worth it!
Find out more at http://reepsoftworks.com/cyclone/
glTF PBR Features
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
Added support for clearcoat, sheen, and partial support for transmission glTF extensions.
Mud and tire effects (with shader)
Work in Progress - Started by Marcousik,
I'm really happy about this
At the moment the effect is only applied at the one tire forward right of the truck.
It seems the mud is moving with the tire.
Thx and credit @havenphillip for basis shader
Per-bone Animation
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
First pass at per-bone animations, combining upper body and lower body actions.
This is all it takes to control this animation:
//Load a model auto model = LoadModel(world, "Models2/merc/merc.mdl"); auto bone = model->skeleton->FindBone("spine_01_Military_Male"); //Main loop while (window->Closed() == false and window->KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false) { if (window->KeyDown(KEY_UP)) { model->Animate("walk", 0.4); } else { model->Animate("idle", 0.4); } if (window->KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)) model->Animate("shoot", 0.25, 100, ANIMATION_ONCE, 0, bone); world->Update(); world->Render(framebuffer); }
UltraEngine Geometry test
Work in Progress - Started by Alienhead,
A little test I put together to see how much Geometry i could throw at UltraEngine before it started showing any slowdown. Well i completed the entire scene and UltraEngine was still pounding away, this is an amazing engine guys. I 100% suggest you check it out if your into game dev. https://www.ultraengine.com/