Leadwerks 3.5 Indie Texture Bombing
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Playing around with texture bombing. -
Leadwerks Community 2015 Showreel
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Compilation of games created with Leadwerks Game Engine. -
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
Just messing around with some real-time reflections from Igor: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=414422238 -
WatchaMaCallit 3D Inventory Test
Work in Progress - Started by Steam Community,
This is a 3D inventory test for my new game I'm making with the Leadwerks game engine. idunno what to call it yet 'cos I'm still making it. But I do have weapons, it is FPS ,RPG, driving and inventory that is 3D ! 3D spinning inventory objects for inve -
Work in Progress - Started by josk,
The first pre-alpha level of LockDown(Escpe Plan) to show the first intergration of the FlowGUI inventory. -
Leadwerks 3.3 Test
Work in Progress - Started by poison7797,
Just testing some weapons and characters in Leadwerks 3.3 -
Leadwerks 3 2 Indie X-RAY Shader
Work in Progress - Started by macklebee,
Drawing character's normal map texture as the x-ray visual. Having to render an extra world since depth cannot be grabbed from context. -
Cyclone VR Prototype (March 2020)
Work in Progress - Started by reepblue,
This is prototype build from March 2020. I'm not continuing this.
Find out more at http://reepsoftworks.com/cyclone/
Tank battle arena (gameplay 2)
Work in Progress - Started by ValT,
Almost full remake of old good game :-) Supporting cooperative for 2 players. 2 gamepads or keyboard. Designed for PC.