Ocean Rendering (WIP)
Work in Progress - Started by klepto2,
A first sneak peek for an realtime ocean renderer in UltraEngine.
FFT-Waves WhiteCaps Refraction / Transparency PBR Lighting model Quadtree based Frustumn subdivision for endless ocean rendering Todos:
Shore and object based waves and foam buoyancy and height readback flow maps -
PBR Lighting, Environment Probes, and Reflections
In this video we will learn about PBR lighting, environment probes, re-projected reflections, and how all they all work together to build a rendered image.
Per-bone Animation
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
First pass at per-bone animations, combining upper body and lower body actions.
This is all it takes to control this animation:
//Load a model auto model = LoadModel(world, "Models2/merc/merc.mdl"); auto bone = model->skeleton->FindBone("spine_01_Military_Male"); //Main loop while (window->Closed() == false and window->KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false) { if (window->KeyDown(KEY_UP)) { model->Animate("walk", 0.4); } else { model->Animate("idle", 0.4); } if (window->KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)) model->Animate("shoot", 0.25, 100, ANIMATION_ONCE, 0, bone); world->Update(); world->Render(framebuffer); }