Base Player Improvements
Work in Progress - Started by reepblue,
I pretty much took my base player code and added a ton of functionality such as soundscapes, HUD features, Input Glyphs, and more.
Driving around with the Leadwerks pick-up
Work in Progress - Started by Marcousik,
This video is supposed to show the progression and possibilities of car driving with a new model animated, the pickup that comes with Leadwerks...
The car script was upgraded with tires physics calculation and that got improved in this showcase.
My goal is to reach a fluent and stable and responsive drive feeling for the player to enjoy off-road experiences in Open world.
Scripting a shader texture movement!
Work in Progress - Started by Marcousik,
I will make a more detailed blog entry about this because it was an adventure to reach this.
It was all about converting a beautiful shader generated waves mvement in a mathematic function that allows to predict waves forces at a position (x,y,z) , to get for example:
- realistic and not randomly ingame wave shaking effects on a boat, or wood prop or whatever.
- Splash effects or character realistic reactions depending on the wave water level.
This is a little showcase that shows how the terrain is replicating the main shader waves movement.
> The terrain's movements are generated with a script and is rendered in blue.
> The shader is placed to compare a little bit higher over the terrain and has transparency.
Cyclone Wall Launch Auto-Look
Work in Progress - Started by reepblue,
The camera will now automatically point towards the direction of the launch with wall Cyclones.
Procedural animation spider
Work in Progress - Started by Slastraf,
This is a spider which walks in a responsive way to the ground.
Inverse Kinematics + regular animation
I will not be able to put the script for this online because nobody would understand it and I wanted to put it out as fast as possible, without over-engineering the code.
Extrem offroad: Sloped old road vs powerful jeep
Work in Progress - Started by Marcousik,
This is a demo for a future offroad game. It demonstrates what a typical offroad drive could be in this game.
It is a challenge for the driver to find a way on this broken road.
The player has to follow an old forgotten road, the nature has slowly begun to cover.
In the future, it supposed to let you deliver things to NPCs, win points on the road...
I plan to add mud, water physics and visual effect, sounds, music, buildings, NPCs, cars upgrades, repairing tools for broken pieces...
There will be no minimap, maybe a reduced map to get maximal immersion.
Mecha Spider Foot Inverse Kinematics
Work in Progress - Started by Slastraf,
Inverse Kinematics in Leadwerks.
Procedural animation
We have finally made it
Work in Progress - Started by Slastraf,
See utube desc for more.
This runs at 60 fps. Its a perlin noise based world generator in c++.
[Episode 1] Development of Fallen Legion
Work in Progress - Started by f13rce,
Please consider to like, comment or even subscribe If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will be reading all the comments!
Also please note that I'm currently on my laptop because my PC is having some troubles at the moment. The sound and graphics quality is a bit off then.
In case you're interested in smaller updates, I recommend going to the Facebook page of Fallen Legion: http://www.facebook.com/FallenLegionRPG