Dangerous Rays Daycycle
Work in Progress - Started by franck22000,
This video show the daycycle and a bit of the dynamic weather system in Dangerous Rays.
Voxel Cone Step Tracing - Edge Fade
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
The edges of the GI volume now fade as they go out of range. This can be used with the final GI stage to fade the effect out, or to smooth the transition between stages. It was difficult to get the code for this exactly right because the volume texture moves in increments with the camera.
Voxel Cone Step Tracing WIP
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
Further refinement. Light leaks are mostly eliminated, using a fairly large voxel size of 0.25 meters.
Jetpack Car :D
Work in Progress - Started by Marcousik,
Just press Space bar to go up in the air..
Smooth landing feature is scripted.
TEMP 2022-03-25 10-12-45.mp4
Basic FMOD Implementation in Cyclone
Work in Progress - Started by reepblue,
Steam: *Coming Soon* itch.io Page: https://reepblue.itch.io/cyclone Discord: https://discord.gg/Hh7Ss9fWaW Blog Post about it: https://www.ultraengine.com/community/blogs/entry/2732-leadwerks-fmod-studio/ This video shows basic implementation of FMOD being implemented in Cyclone/Leadwerks Game Engine. It's still a work in progress but the groundwork is done.
Atmospheric Scattering
Work in Progress - Started by klepto2,
A test which shows what can be achieved with computeshader in Leadwerks. This uses dynamic precomputed 3D Texture lookups based on https://github.com/ebruneton/precomputed_atmospheric_scattering using compute shaders converted to Leadwerks..
Jeep crossing hills and mountains - last test
Work in Progress - Started by Marcousik,
That's one of the last car physics performance test for an offroad jeep car.
I added some of bit drifting, completly overworked the turning behavior, that gets smoothed and optimized;
i worked the optimization of the dampers of the car so that the car is dynamically on its way, reacting to the slopes of the terrain, without the player having to be unquiet the car could tilt over.
Next step: I want to add decals on the terrain each time the car driftes.
Then, the game should propose to the player different cars models, each one with its one personality and drive feelings. The player will have to make a lot of delivery to help NPCs with their needings and so earn money to buy new or upgrade vehicles.
Here the video test - record quality is not top
Ocean Rendering System (WIP) for Leadwerks.
Work in Progress - Started by klepto2,
A WIP Ocean system for Leadwerks 4 and later for UltraEngine. Features: FFT - Waves (calculated with compute shaders), Reflection, Refraction, Compatibility with the whole lighting system of Leadwerks. You can see that the ocean is affected by multiple light sources.
Posted a video about the air to water transition, in the upper left you can also see a current prototype of a realtime shore direction shader, which creates a flowmap for the shore foams and later waves.
Revamped Cyclone Behavior
Work in Progress - Started by reepblue,
I pretty much had to rewrite my FPS player and Cyclone code but it was worth it!
Find out more at http://reepsoftworks.com/cyclone/
Tractor model with trailer attached, offroad demo
Work in Progress - Started by Marcousik,
Testing the trailer feature for Offraod game project,
Made with the game engine Leadwerks 4.6,
Credits Models (Many thx for authors) :
- "Tractor - Farmer's Best Friend" (https://skfb.ly/6RPNK) by 3dsofsan is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...).
- "Car Trailer "the Chariot" (free download)" (https://skfb.ly/on8DR) by KrStolorz is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...).
Enjoy watching!