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Streams and Events

  1. Weekend Workshop #43  

    Slipgate Tactics: https://dreikblack.itch.io/slipgate-tactics
    ESCAPELAND: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2506540/ESCAPELAND/
  2. Weekend Workshop #42  

    Get ESCAPELAND on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2506540/ESCAPELAND/
  3. Weekend Workshop #39  

  4. Weekend Workshop #38  

  5. Weekend Workshop #37  

  6. Quixel Mixer Tutorial  

    This tutorial by @Vida Marcell walks through the basics of painting meshes with Quixel Mixer.
    Here are the files used:
  7. Leadwerks Games Bundle, Environment Textures, and Tessellation - Weekend Workshop #33  

    Get the Leadwerks Games Bundle here: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/43610/Leadwerks_Games_Bundle/
  8. First-person shooter mechanics, level design, and environment textures - Weekend Workshop #32  

    This episode includes progress on our first-person shooter mechanics, a detailed level design discussion, and a deep look at environment textures.
  9. Weekend Workshop #31  

  10. Weekend Workshop #30  

  11. Weekend Workshop #29  

  12. Weekend Workshop #28  

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