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Work in Progress

  1. Crack-free Tessellation  

  2. Sins of a Dragon  

    Real-time concept design preformed with Ultra Engine. 
  3. Imposter Test  

    Testing an irregularly shaped object out with 2D imposters...
  4. Imposters  

    A quick overview of imposters, a nifty little built-in feature coming soon. This is mostly meant for use with the foliage system, but it works with regular models as well.
  5. Imposters WIP  

  6. Improved Timing  

  7. Terrain Mesh Layers WIP  

  8. Mesh Layer Culling and LOD  

  9. Mesh Layer Culling  

  10. UltraEngine Geometry test  

    A little test I put together to see how much Geometry i could throw at UltraEngine before it started showing any slowdown. Well i completed the entire scene and UltraEngine was still pounding away, this is an amazing engine guys. I 100% suggest you check it out if your into game dev. https://www.ultraengine.com/
  11. Ocean Rendering (WIP)  

    A first sneak peek for an realtime ocean renderer in UltraEngine. 
    FFT-Waves WhiteCaps Refraction / Transparency PBR Lighting model Quadtree based Frustumn subdivision for endless ocean rendering Todos:
    Shore and object based waves and foam buoyancy and height readback flow maps
  12. Workflow Improvements  

  13. VR Performance and Scalability  

  14. Per-bone Animation  

    First pass at per-bone animations, combining upper body and lower body actions.
    This is all it takes to control this animation:
    //Load a model auto model = LoadModel(world, "Models2/merc/merc.mdl"); auto bone = model->skeleton->FindBone("spine_01_Military_Male"); //Main loop while (window->Closed() == false and window->KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false) { if (window->KeyDown(KEY_UP)) { model->Animate("walk", 0.4); } else { model->Animate("idle", 0.4); } if (window->KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)) model->Animate("shoot", 0.25, 100, ANIMATION_ONCE, 0, bone); world->Update(); world->Render(framebuffer); }  
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