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Work in Progress

  1. Bone Attachments  

    This model is a little different. It's not skinned, so the limbs are attached to bones and the animation controls their orientations. Net result looks the same as ...
  2. GLTF Animation  

    GLTF loader now supports skinned animations. #gamedev #indiedev Original model is available here: ...
  3. Streaming Terrain WIP  

    Solved a lot of small problems and the whole system is actually working pretty nicely!
  4. Streaming terrain, second pass  

    It's getting there...
  5. First pass at streaming terrain  

    Terrain data is 16384x16384. Sort of kind of working...
  6. Hierarchical Terrain LOD  

    More efficient LOD system for large terrains.
  7. Vulkan animation benchmark  

    Over 1000 uniquely animated characters rendering at 450 FPS with our new Vulkan renderer. No special tricks, this is just what happens if you load a model and ...
  8. Vulkan animation stress test  

    Switching our new renderer from OpenGL to Vulkan yielded a 78% performance increase in this animation stress test.
  9. Skinned animation in Vulkan  

    More info: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/blogs/entry/2513-skinned-animation-in-vulkan/ #gamedev.
  10. Particle physics with Newton Dynamics  

    Here we have some faster moving particles that act like a stream of water.
  11. Particle Physics with Newton Dynamics  

    First pass at particle physics, here with some smoke-like particles. Particles collide with and exert forces on the scene.
  12. Leadwerks 4.6 Vehicle Test  

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