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  1. When in the scene panel if you select multiple items in the hierarchy using CTRL + RMB or SHIFT + RMB you cannot drag those selected items for nesting under another item.
  2. Steps: - Add NavMesh via editor: 1. Use Object panel to add Navigation Mesh to scene 2. Debug game - Add NavMesh via code: 1. In main.cpp add following code after loading map: auto navmesh = CreateNavMesh(world, 0, 8, 8); navmesh->Build(); 2. Debug game
  3. Adding a NavMesh object from the editor and then running the game shows no nav meshes in the scene. Calling CreateNavMesh() to add a NavMesh object from code also doesn't show nav meshes in the scene either. EDIT: Both m_navmeshes and navmeshes members in the `scene` object are 0 (love the m_ prefix, very old school)
  4. I've uninstalled both the client and editor and reinstalled, whenever I press launch from the client for my version of the editor I get the splash screen and then nothing after that. I've also tried to directly load the editor from where I've installed it and I get the same result. I've checked my local app data folder and can't seem to find any lingering files/folders to remove.
  5. Is UAK still receiving development? I swear I saw a comment somewhere on here that said UAK will only be available through UltraEngine. Is this true? If this is true, please reconsider. Does UAK have the ability to add custom fonts yet? If it has this feature and is also left in a stable place for the standalone version then that's cool.
  6. Generative Adversarial Networks (or GAN's for short) are the approach taken to get this kind of generative model using deep learning techniques. Supervised learning is the most common method of training GAN's which are usually made up of two sub-models, a discriminator and a counterfeiter. The counterfeiter has the role of generating fake images, where the discriminator then must classify those images as either real or fake. The ultimate goal is to converge training to a solution where the counterfeiter gets so good at generating fake examples the discriminator can then no longer classify the examples as real or fake. My masters thesis (which I finally finished a few days ago) explored some pretty interesting areas of training supervised learning problems in the computer vision field. Most datasets are typically composed of real-world examples of images, its often an expensive and time-consuming task to create these datasets of images as it not only requires hardware in terms of camera equipment but also heavy investment of valuable time to annotate the images (supervised learning for object detection involves labelling images which is the practice of drawing bounding boxes around the objects within the image in order to provide the model labelled data to learn from). Automating the entire process of data collection is the pursuit of happiness. Applying technologies such as game engines to render the images and also program the logic for automatic annotation of objects in a scene provides an end-to-end approach for data collection. The possibilities to simulate abstract imagery within a game engine opens up the doors for high-quality data that is collected in an efficient way for building large-scale datasets. Synthetic data could improve these kinds of models as we can simulate almost anything we like within a game engine. Feeding the resulting image data that is correctly formatted for model input could really push the results these types of models can achieve. Check out differentiable rendering, that is crazy stuff and the generalization power is improving over the years
  7. Yep that would do it. Sounds like you may have copied and pasted the 32bit lib file when you initially set up your project following the tutorial. Glad you got it up and running though. Congratulations! Can't wait to see the cool stuff you make. If you are new to graphics there are plenty of resources available online to learn OpenGL, I'd arguably say it is probably one of the easiest graphics libraries to learn alongside understanding the graphics pipeline. I do hope to write more blogs, I'm pretty new to it and wasn't sure if the text to image ratio was good enough. But over time I hope to improve. Maybe my next blog will be a trip down the graphics pipeline to explain some of the maths, techniques, and jargon that comes with it.
  8. Smartex is an application I am creating which will hopefully use deep learning of a self-made GAN I am developing. The goal is to train the GAN to restore images and also upscale images too (the demographic is game artists, although I can see general use-cases for a tool like this). UAK will be the GUI framework I use. Here is a screengrab of what Smartex looks like so far. The implementation of the viewport is bare-bones, I'm yet to abstract away code into compartmentalized components that will together form the renderer. I'd also like to start adding buttons and tools in the GUI (working on their functionality later).
  9. Ah my bad, I use Visual Studio 2022. I guess you are using an earlier version. If you go and download Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition then your set.
  10. Before we get too excited. Double check if that project works for you. You should have exactly what I have in my final screenshot at the bottom of the blog.
  11. You used the UAK app to generate a new project, which searches for the Steam directory and adds the Include folder of all the header files by creating a macro called $(UltraEnginePath). Of course my Steam and UAK path is different to yours, so I couldn't run your solution. But, I have included and linked GLEW and GLM for you. As I said above though, follow the tutorial (I mean really read it) and you'll see the process from end-to-end and it will work. I know for a non-programmer this is probably a very confusing process, but linking and including libraries in to a project is a fairly trivial task. Anyway, I have zipped up your project. I have no idea if you were having issues with the UltraEngine.h file in your .cpp file. If you weren't then this will run. I also set up your bin and bin-int paths too so that when you build your project, your solution/project directory won't get cluttered with a ton of files. OpenglGUI.zip If ... for whatever reason, this project doesn't build. I really, really, really ... really, would recommend taking the time to read the blog above. Take your time reading it, digest it, and follow the steps.
  12. This path is also absolute, you are including your entire trail right up to the project name ("Glew + Uak"). You want to replace the path so it looks like this: $(SolutionDir)Dependencies\GLEW\includes If you go through the tutorial step-by-step one more time (explicitly) following the instructions within there, I can promise you it will work.
  13. It looks like you set this project up with the UAK project launcher app on Steam (and that's fine) but your paths seem to all be off. Both the lib and include paths are two separate things. The include path points to where on disk the header files are. GLEW has a GL folder with multiple header files inside, in your GLEW path though you are also including the GL folder which is why #include <GL/glew.h> doesn't work. (because GL is part of the include file path:
  14. Also that above path I just said, again there is no GLEW folder there. The whole point of having a Dependencies folder is to have sub-folders inside that hold the headers and lib files that make up the dependency.
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