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    Russia, Tyumen

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  1. Then you should give us your model (both .blend and .mdl files) for testing
  2. Last problem is unrelated to exported itself. Leadwerks model viewer under Linux has this problem on most animated models and Josh knows about it.
  3. It seems like you have some non-latin symbols in material names. For example: "Grünerknopf". Current leadwerks file format is not supporting it.
  4. Here is the instruction. Plugin should be widely used and pass the review http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Doc/Process/Addons
  5. Tools/Expoters/Blender/io_scene_leadwerks.zip for example
  6. Downloadable zip archive with plugin is not meant to be installed with automaic install from zip. Please read installation instructions: https://github.com/alrusdi/leadwerks-blender-exporter#installation When i started this work i hoped that exporter will be inside main Leadwerks distribution (correct installation and docs) but Josh is not interesting it. So we have what we have. If i will have free time i will create a separate site with documentation and sample content, but cant say when exactly it happens.
  7. I'm happy to announce new version of Leadwerks Blender Exporter with important bugfixes. Please let me know if you still have any problems.
  8. Seems to be fixed for now. But it's no reason to export skined model without animation because Leadwerks is not exposes public API to manipulate bones at runtime
  9. I have some weird problems with Leadwerks itself on both Linux and Windows and it's very demotivated me to work on that problem. But with Josh's help i hope we will fix it very quickly.
  10. It is isuue about it in bugtracker https://github.com/alrusdi/leadwerks-blender-exporter/issues/1 Current workaround is to apply model transformations on each hierarchy level You can post sample file and i show you fix. I will work on.
  11. Well... Did you selected something on scene before export? Please provide your .blend file if so.
  12. http://www.blendswap.com/ http://tf3dm.com/ http://www.turbosquid.com/ Our Workshop Also google by 'free 3d models'
  13. Can you PM me your blend file? I'll see how to fix it
  14. Problem is fixed now. Just reinstall exporter from github. Also you can export model without specular color and tune it in Leadwerks material editor.
  15. Each action in action editor will be interpreted as different animation
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