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Pixel Perfect

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  1. Pixel Perfect


    Very cool demo Daimour and Aily, runs pretty smoothly too. Couldn't resist pressing the self destruct button in the end ... great fun
  2. Very impressive Franck, and the addition of (you know who ) to your team should make a big impact too! Looking forward to seeing where your combined talents take you.
  3. Best of luck Chris, sounds like a great opportunity.
  4. Good luck with the rest of your course and your graduation traineeship, seems like only yesterday that you started!
  5. Very cool AI Evayr, looking forward to seeing more of this.
  6. Great video Franck, very atmospheric. I love the ground mist!
  7. Sounds great Franck. Great to see you still working on this and making good progress, screen shots look really good!
  8. Some things in life never change ... there are those who do and those who don't ... and the irony is that it's inevitably those who don't who criticise the most. Anyone who entered the competition and managed to complete a mini game in just one week deserves respect. The fact that they have highlighted possible issues with the game engine too is an added bonus. Kudos to you Aggror ... innovative entry (the winning one in my estimation) and interesting blog.
  9. @ Rick I liked the basic idea and the level design, way too much specular though imo. Nice touch with the fire and the spell casting but really too little to give a real sense of playing a game although plenty of evidence of obvious underlying game mechanics. I had real problems with collision too, easily fell through the level in many places so not sure what was going on there. None of the crashes others have reported though. Great foundation for a simple RPG type game. @ Aggror This has all the feel of a real game, simple but nicely implemented. Impressive.
  10. Some nice content for sure ... thanks for the link YouGrove
  11. The whole question of EKI One is somewhat academic now as Artificial Technology no longer exist having been bought out by the Masa Group and their team dismantled. They retained some of the key developers and company founders to integrate aspects of it's technology into the Masa product range. Although the product is still for sale, EKI One is no longer being developed or supported and hasn't been for some time. This I believe shows a complete lack of understanding of what the EKI One product is capable of and the exceptionally good tool sets it contains. I'm sorry to say that your blatant disregard for other software developers products and achievements never ceases to amaze me! Absolutely, one of the most powerful mechanisms for aiding AI implementation. But like most mechanisms, once you start to build complexity you need to add tools to manage it effectively. I agree that state machines and steering are almost a prerequisite for AI suites these days given that you already have path finding. Interestingly, EKI One allowed you to define and configure your own perceptions, the only one hard coded into the product was sight. So perception was limited only by your imagination and ability to script them.
  12. Absolutely, for the current user base of LE3 surely this is where the focus needs to be.
  13. Well I do, and I agree with Dan. This is just you exercising content control over your editor whilst criticizing Sony for exercising content control over their console!
  14. How true this is, however, I wouldn't let it concern you as this realisation, combined with determination to put in the hours required to wear this hat effectively, is really what becoming a successful Indie developer is all about. Too many people these days want everything done for them and totally misunderstand the scope of Indie game design; which is great because it means those prepared to remain open minded and open to hard work and knowledge/technique acquisition eventually rise out of the masses and go on to do great things. An interesting read Mike, I wish you well on your journey. It's a journey I'm still enjoying after many years although not got to the 'do great things' stage yet
  15. Cassius is right. You appear to want Josh to write the games for you so all you have to do is modify them. As people have pointed out including Josh, why would he want to do this when countless people would want different templates .. it's a no win situation! He's written an engine so people can design games themselves, not have him write them for them. If you really want to write original games then learn the skills or team up with those that have them. There really is no other way! Otherwise, if all you want to do is mod games then find an existing modifiable game and add your look n feel to it. I suspect you'll find that even that involves a lot of work and technical understanding though. The knowledge anyone needs is all out there and all you need to do is spend a long time and a lot of effort assimilating and perfecting it. People prepared to do that will eventually succeed, people who are not will remain Pipe Dreamers!
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