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  1. It would be usefull if we could attach some variable names to the frames we want in the animation editor and have some callback function that would be called each time a variable is encountered. For example in the midle of some attack animation or when a big boss character hits the ground we could attach a variable to that frame named for example "Left Foot Step" or "attack touch" In the script this could be : function animationCallbacks() if animationCallback == "walk" and nameCallback == "left foot" then end if animationCallback == "walk" and nameCallback == "left foot" then end end This is just a general idea.
  2. I always work on one game project at time trying to finish it. Perhaps i have two or three small other project games installed for coding reference and examples, but not more than that
  3. Zbrush Dynamesh fun New mob wip for Halloween game.
  4. Could we have some updated list of participants with their game title in top of this thread ?
  5. Thanks , i'll check on my side.
  6. This means i can have a main camera scene and a second camera displaying it's own scene ? I could use that for Skyrim like quick inventory or Cryris like weapons display never colliding with level scene.
  7. I tried to use second UV from imported FBX, but it does not work ? Vertex code : //Attributes ... in vec2 vertex_texcoords0; in vec2 vertex_texcoords1; ... //Outputs out vec4 ex_color; out vec2 ex_texcoords0; out vec2 ex_texcoords1; ... void main() ... ex_texcoords0 = vertex_texcoords0; ex_texcoords1 = vertex_texcoords1; Fragment : //Uniforms uniform sampler2D texture0;//diffuse map uniform sampler2D texture1;//lightmap ... //Inputs in vec2 ex_texcoords0; in vec2 ex_texcoords1; .... //Modulate blend with diffuse map outcolor *= texture(texture0,ex_texcoords0) ; outcolor *= texture(texture1,ex_texcoords1) *0.5 ;
  8. It is possible to have a camera displaying the 3d scene and a second camera only displaying some new specific objects not present in the 3D scene ?
  9. Are you using that code in UpdatePhysics ? If you use SetPosition() in UpdateWorld it will be smooth. If it is too fast you can decrease your self.moveSpeed parameter.
  10. Just curious , do we have refraction effect in LE3 ?
  11. @Evayer It looks and move great. Some quick made additionnal monster
  12. Restarting the game creating a new project to get correct results. I will have less time for the game and so much ideas unfortunatelly, i'll have to only keep essential gameplay and ffects , than perhaps extend the game after the contest.
  13. The project get lot of meta files , it is possible to not have them or it is related to windows ?
  14. New version uploaded to the workshop. It uses a material where you put textures on the slots, than the shader is attributed to the material on the script. So there is no more hard coded textures attribution.
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