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  1. aiaf

    C++ vs Lua

    I think you should continue with lua and finish the game. One disadvantage of c++ can be the build times. You will be much faster to experiment in game with lua. Depends on what is your goal.
  2. Would have liked to try early access but ill have to wait for the platform support. My legendary testing skills will not be used yet So nvm me ill continue to lurk around.
  3. Im disappoint i don't see anything about linux support on the Introduction page. It will be there in the version 1 of the engine ?
  4. Midjourney seem to make better artistic images then dalle. I think is just trained with billions of images and has some kind of image recognition and classifications and is just copy pasting, deforming images in a clever way.Maybe im wrong. Probably is also using input from the people generating the images to learn what good image means. Anyway this is good news for indies by the look of it I plan to use midjourney for some 2d game experiment. old man sitting on a mountain near the sea with a maelstrom swirling in front of him , providence , cthulhu monster , H P Lovecraft world , the color from the sky
  5. aiaf


    Works after a switch to desktop mode, managed to start a project in the editor, But only played for 5 minutes, i dont have a keyboard and mouse attached to the deck yet.
  6. aiaf


    Yes its linux native, can confirm cyclone proton works great also.
  7. aiaf


    Structura now playable on the SteanDeck
  8. I would like to help testing, but only linux i ditched windows completely.
  9. My opinion is multiplayer should be available as plugin not built in the engine. Keep engine lean and mean and good at what it does, not feature bloat. I understand the need for some of the features above of course. I did some multiplayer with Leadwerks used POCO c++ libs with no problems.
  10. I think yes Steam can help. Having a website + forum/discord and manage to create a community would be great. Imo you will need to think at the target audience, very much depends on the game type. Make something people will recognize and easy to play,some nice features, (good ui) otherwise your into trouble. My experience is i made 2 games that are really original and they got buried by steam. Very little sales. My puzzle game is so awesome and one of a kind that it hurts nobody plays it. But yeah i have no idea what makes a game successful , maybe is good just marketing + game type people are familiar with,
  11. Structura Postmortem https://store.steampowered.com/app/1422980/Structura/ This game was done in my spare time, was about 4 years till the early access. Probably 6 months of full time work at best. I want to thank some of my work colleagues , who gave good hints/help about the game, in the coffee breaks (different times , no covid ) And the Leadwerks community for always being helpful. Early access release: 18 Dec, 2020 Full release: 6 May, 2021 Here is the count of number of lines of code, no external libs included: cloc . 114 text files. 114 unique files. 1 file ignored. github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.90 T=0.08 s (1410.5 files/s, 463364.0 lines/s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language files blank comment code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C++ 53 4679 738 25809 C/C++ Header 61 1046 206 4972 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM: 114 5725 944 30781 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For people in the community releasing their game on steam maybe this will help last week: all time: Overall the number of sales was very small , but i was expecting that is really a niche game. And does not hand held the player.You actually need to put effort to play it. Which i completely understand many people just want to have some fun after work or whatever. So basically this game shouldn't have existed its too complicated for its own good, i just created something that i would have loved to play. The UI is pretty bad , but under the game play is really interesting and fun. There are 2 tutorials, play both of them !!!, no point to play the game otherwise it will just confuse the hell out of anyone. Good things: The game play is really unique. The game graphics style. Leadwerks community. What went wrong: The 1.0 release had a couple of bad bugs i didn't noticed. Current version is 1.1.7 and is stable but it took a lot of bug fix releases to get there. The choice to make my own UI. I have no art skills, so i just used what Leadwerks provided by default. The game is now stable, im proud of how it turned out. It has some rough edges, not the best UI. But the game play is really unique. No hand holding here, it requires some effort to learn. Just give it a chance and play the 2 tutorials. Standard tutorial play through: Advanced tutorial play through: I will continue to improve and bug fix Structura, the core of the game will not change. And with this article i finish the Structura devblog on this forum. In other news There will be another game in the Structura universe. And will use the Ultra Engine hopefully. Stay tuned for more info
  12. Lol didnt sound defensive at all , I missed that restart text heh About Proton i think is good choice save you more time to work on game play (i dont care if is emulation as long as i can run in linux and work decent). I like finding bugs , i find so few problems with demo , is good omen
  13. Played the demo, really nice and polished. Feedback: -game options: game restart required for settings to take effect, maybe have a small text about this -the voice tutorial icon: pressing e to start the voice was not obvious to me , maybe having some notification about e key ? , like in half life -putting the cyclone on a vertical wall close to ground does no generate force to repulse the player, i would have expected that to work but maybe is by design - {BUG] When jumping with the cube attached, the cube can get stuck under the floor you jumping to Had to find a windows machine to try the demo (no windows machine in my house), please for the final release consider linux version. I think is really important you get a number of good reviews on the steam page at the beginning. Otherwise steam algorithm put you in the junk category and game gets buried. Also game updates help. Good luck with the game!
  14. Being for couple of years in the community i like following people/projects and the engine development. And yes was a bit annoyed about Leadwerks and complete lack of fixes but at least i understand why, Ultra is a step in the right direction. If subscription means fixes and updated tech im fine with that. But want to add this plan is not that friendly to hobbyists or indies not making money yet.
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