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  1. That GUI example is creating the ui directly on the window. It's not a good idea to mix this approach with 3D graphics. You probably want something like the second example here: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn/CreateInterface?lang=cpp
  2. You don't need to do anything for the Steam build.
  3. Josh

    Downloads System WIP

    It's fetching data from here: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/files/category/112-concrete/
  4. Will be fixed when the next build goes up. You will need the new version of the client app to get it, if you are using the standalone build.
  5. Camera::Project transforms a position in 3D space into a 2D coordinate on screen, with a third component for the Z axis. The coordinate does not necessarily have to be within the camera frustum. It can be outside the field of view, behind the camera, or beyond the camera's far range. If the z component of the returned value is less than zero (or less than the camera near range, to be more precise) then you can skip 2D drawing. You can also skip drawing if the returned coordinate is far enough outside of the screen rectangle that the object can't be seen.
  6. Beta driver is looking good so far. I will continue to test this...
  7. I am in AMD's secret website now and have access to beta Radeon drivers...
  8. Installer is now available here: https://github.com/Leadwerks/leadwerks.github.io/raw/main/LeadwerksClient.exe
  9. I have updated the client / updater to work with the leadwerks.com domain. Here is a zip file with the files. If everything is good, then I will proceed to make an installer for it. I was able to log out, log in, install, and update without any issues. LeadwerksClient.zip
  10. I updated those pages. https://github.com/Leadwerks/Documentation/blob/master/CPP/CreateThread.md https://github.com/Leadwerks/Documentation/edit/master/CPP/Thread_GetState.md
  11. When our forum system gets updated to Invision Power Board 5, you will need to sign in with your email address and password, instead of your display name. This is a change they are making for improved security. Please make sure you know what email address is associated with your account, and update if it necrssary: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/settings/email
  12. You need to install driver 24.7.1 until the issue is resolved.
  13. 0.9.9 Additional UI adjustments.
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