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Preparing for the Workshop


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We've got a lot of new assets for the Workshop, and need help getting them ready for Leadwerks. They need to be imported, checked, and we need collision meshes added to them. In order to make the process go faster, I am splitting the work into teams headed by Aggror and Shadmar. Each of them will have their own team of helpers they will manage.


If you'd like to volunteer to help either of them, please post a reply in this thread, or send them a message. The slowest step will be adding collision meshes to complex models, but this really should be done for optimum performance.


Thanks for your help!



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I have not lot fo free time, but i can make some models (make physic shapes in BLender, export and import to LE3 with a quick physic test)

Who give us the model files to test/makep physics ?

Where do we upload them ? (here in the site ?)

Stop toying and make games

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Converted Nobiax models for LE3 Site download section.

Just tried Steam Workshop, and it is awesome how it works and how easy to import stuff like any asset store to quickly prototype some style and look of game. Right now you can prorotype abandonned levels fast using available assets, even a beginner should be able to make a good looking level.

Stop toying and make games

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