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Leadwerks Oasis


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I'm working on a project called Leadwerks Oasis.


The project will feature an extremely revamped script editor with intellisense and code completion with built in Leadwerks API documentation.


Other features include:

  • Better file management (I seem to be having bugs with Leadwerks file management...)
  • Built in array of file converters to drag and drop convert to a leadwerks format.
  • Easy Leadwerks integration, have both programs running at once. (Program checks for file changes made by Leadwerks)

Hopefully these tools will make the community more productive.

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  On 2/23/2014 at 2:31 AM, Rick said:

The main issue I see will be debugging. Right now we can debug Lua scripts with breakpoints and stepping through it. It's very handy. I'm not sure if you are able to do that with the pure Lua version

It will work as the lua files are still being interpreted by the leadwerks lua interpreter

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I think we'd be better off all making our own suggestion posts about what we want from the current editor honestly. The most people who say their needs the more likely it'll happen. If we go off and make custom editors I don't think that's going to really help the majority and it'll most likely be gimped in other ways because it's not default LE editor. Start making posts about what you want from the editor. Make "what's on your mind" updates about wanting something in the editor.

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I dont know toxic but are you trolling us? I mean in an other thread you will create an fps engine with Uberfeatures for one person and here you tell us about a lua editor because the leadwerks editor sucks for you (but you will use leadwerks for your engine???). I see no sense maybe some self education for you with those project but they will never be completed or even used I guess.


When josh is updating the editor and improve some stuff your editor becomes obsolete btw

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It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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you can write plugins for sublime. sure there is no automatic way to do this. easiest way is when we have the code to generate the documentation but leadwerks is not open source. other solution is to parse the documentation on leadwerks.com but the documentation is not very well (not everything have examples, descriptions etc) to do this with a parser and a nice output.


the leadwerks documentation is very small. just write it in the plugin for sublime (best editor in the world for me btw)




It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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for now it does not, but I will implement it later because I want it also. I have to extract the leadwerks documentation first into a valid file format to do this later. Add/Edit functions from future leadwerks builds is also very easy.

There are also other features in my mind for the future



but this is not my thread its about oasis editor.

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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debugger is nice but in my case I dont need/use a debugger. I´m sure its possible with sublime because there are some debugger plugins out there for it with setting breakpoints and so on but for me I just want to code faster without taking a look into the leadwerks api.

its just some code for me to learn the api also and play with phyton at the same time. I guess there are not many people who need it but I like the sublime editor and want to create this to be faster wink.png



I also dont think that there are many people interested into my autocomletion stuff, but its just for me. May I´m wrong and I will upload it on github. I will post it on this forum when my first version is finished and we will see ;)

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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Debugging should be relatively easy. With C++ or C# I can redirect the console output of the debug build of the game and read from it. We can toggle a breakpoint with the WinAPI call

BOOL WINAPI DebugBreakProcess

Enabling debug is done with

BOOL WINAPI DebugActiveProcess

As long as we set SE_DEBUG_NAME in the debugger we can debug any process.

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@toxic If you could get debugging, printing to some console that would be a step in the right direction. The other stuff is pretty common and easier to do. The other thing that sucks is not being able to click the button in LE on an entity to open that script, which is why I think helping Josh would be best to get it into LE.

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  On 2/26/2014 at 2:32 PM, Rick said:

@toxic If you could get debugging, printing to some console that would be a step in the right direction. The other stuff is pretty common and easier to do. The other thing that sucks is not being able to click the button in LE on an entity to open that script, which is why I think helping Josh would be best to get it into LE.

I don't understand this request?

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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