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Low Poly Modular pipes

Andy Gilbert

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Now available in asset store: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/455-modular-low-poly-pipe-set/


Just showing these modular pipes that ive done today for the asset store, should i have finished by tomorrow.


There all low poly and have diffuse, normal and spec. Just done the one texture for now although in leadwerks 3 this can be made to any colour using the "diffuse color" feature. But i might make a Grunge material, ill see what time I get done.


I just have the "tap wheel" and 's- bend' to finish unwrapping and then im done.


These should be in asset store tomorrow, if anyone thinks they can make use of them. smile.png There not perfect but good enough, its just more practise for me smile.png





  • Upvote 9

The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do.


Leadwerks Game-Ready 3D Models:https://sellfy.com/gib3d

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Thanks for the comments all.


Ive finished them and uploaded them to the asset store, hope you can make use of them :)


Ill repeat a few things: Ive spent little time on the texturing. Simply because im letting them go for free so cant spend to much time on them. Its basic enough and the screenshots show the basic texturing works good enough.


If anyone wants a specific texture such as a sewer grunge or anything else please drop me a message.


Also if anyone wantas any custom work or mdoels please contact me.






  • Upvote 1

The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do.


Leadwerks Game-Ready 3D Models:https://sellfy.com/gib3d

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i read :



One or more textures on this 3D-model have been created with images from CGTextures.com. These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit www.cgtextures.com for more information

Thank you


CG textures is free os use , free for commercial projects (perhaps to to use in 3D models packs ?)

Stop toying and make games

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Hi, yes im aware there for free, hence i use them smile.png But that doesnt give me the rights to allow someone else take them from me and redstribute them.


Im simply saying if you want the texture then go get it from the source, not from me.


Beside the textures are modified for the model in this case anyway.




The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do.


Leadwerks Game-Ready 3D Models:https://sellfy.com/gib3d

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Yeh i agree.

But someone using CG textures even if it comes form you it reamains Cgtextures ,as they don't sell textures or your models, it's ok.

How many people uses CG texture or modify them or paint and mix several textures as new stuff and just give models and textures to other people for free.

Stop toying and make games

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