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Hello, thanks diedir, i am a former developper of Bohemia Interactive Studio (Operation Flashpoint, ArmA series...) so ballistic programming was familiar to me :)


As it is a commercial project i cant share anything massive yet, but if you try to integrate physx 3 in your project i can provide support. PhysX 3 is not particularly difficult to add to LE2, but it is a long task and you need to be very cautious with your code and take your time to add it properly, PhysX 3 is very well documented in my opinion.


Regarding the release date of the first public alpha version, i cant give you a precise date but it will be before november for sure.

You guys are going to be the death of me. Josh
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Great atmosphere, your procedural placement always looked very natural to me. I managed to get good results with terrain generation but not so with vegetation placement, so I was always impressed with that.


Can you perhaps give a few hints or details on how you go about implementing your ballistics with physics? (i'm also playing with PhysX3)



I must say the original Operation Flashpoint was one of my favorites back in the day, tried the first ArmA demo, it was good, but somehow just didn't have the same feeling and wasn't quite for me.. the new one looks impressive as hell though :)

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Thanks Paramecij, if you have any question i will answer it by private message or chat smile.png


So some progress were made the last two days i have now those features added:


- Bullet trajectory deviation when it penetrate a surface

- Bullet deflection when the angle between the impact normal and bullet trajectory is small with of course a loss of the bullet velocity

- Weapon complete animation system, so now, reload, fire animations and such are working

- Recoil system

- Tracer bullets support

- Bullets holes decals according to surfaces types and the bullet diameter / caliber


I am now adding melee weapons support, that should be done quickly.

You guys are going to be the death of me. Josh
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Some progress update of what has been done last week ! smile.png


- NavMesh Integration 100% finished and handle everything, terrain and objects geometry

- Base zombie AI

- Zombies hitboxes system to detect shots in zombies bodies parts (head, legs, arm...)

- Zombie steering system

- Dynamic navmesh update according to objects driven by PhysX (some littles bugs to fix here)

- Zombies animations system with multiple animations blending support

- Melee weapons support (still WIP)


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You guys are going to be the death of me. Josh
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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for some progress update :)


I have now recruited a 3D artist to help me to focus more on the programming side, i will introduce him later :)


Even if i have now a talented 3D artist, im still a texture / coloring maniac and i have done several colors changes on various texture, the result is in my opinion very good, i have now a very nice balance beetween green and oranges shades i it look amazing in game.


On the gameplay side a lot of changes as been made, the weapons mecanics are now 100% finished, everything is working, reloading, dynamic weapon bobbing, procedural weapon animations.

Some goodies like camp fires are done too, and last but not least the Monsters integration has began.

There is a tons of other improvements that i dont have time to describe, like some huges improvements regardings fields generation, you can now see some straw bales in fields and they are delimited by some very nice bushes and tree lines. Electric poles can be seen along the roads and a ton of details like that.


I have made some improvement over terrain base map (sattelite map) procedural generation so it generate some cool brown areas of dirt mixed to green color of grass, with this forests look much more real now.


My next task will be the random building placement generation, and then the next time i will post here you should see a much more populated world :)


Here some screenshots for you guys, yes everything you see is proceduraly generated and nothing is placed "by hand" ;)









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You guys are going to be the death of me. Josh
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That looks great at eye level. Good vegetation varieties and texture blending. I've no idea how to procedurally generate roads or texture masks in LE2 although the texture masks.


What can be done about the repeating pattern at the 100ft viewpoint or is that not going to be an in-game issue? I think we had this issue and fixed up the mip-map levels to make it go away.

6600 2.4G / GTX 460 280.26 / 4GB Windows 7

Author: GROME Terrain Modeling for Unity, UDK, Ogre3D from PackT

Tricubic Studios Ltd. ~ Combat Helo

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Wow things are really starting to come together now! I followed your progress for many months now, and I'm both inspired and impressed. Good luck with the alpha release and count me in for testing :)


  On 9/16/2013 at 6:47 PM, franck22000 said:

Some progress update of what has been done last week ! smile.png


- NavMesh Integration 100% finished and handle everything, terrain and objects geometry

- Base zombie AI

- Zombies hitboxes system to detect shots in zombies bodies parts (head, legs, arm...)

- Zombie steering system

- Dynamic navmesh update according to objects driven by PhysX (some littles bugs to fix here)

- Zombies animations system with multiple animations blending support

- Melee weapons support (still WIP)

That's one hell of a productive week. Are you working on this project full time now ?



@repeating texture patterns - well, that's an easy albeit tedious fix, you can modify each mip level and brush out offending low frequency details. Alternatively you can just blur/color average mip levels automatically (makedds.exe has the 'fade mipmaps' option).

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If you get some good gameplay footage and put this on Kickstarter you will get a decent response. People love procedurally generated games.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Very impressive Franck, and the addition of (you know who wink.png ) to your team should make a big impact too!


Looking forward to seeing where your combined talents take you.

Intel Core i5 2.66 GHz, Asus P7P55D, 8Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX460 1Gb DDR5, Windows 7 (x64), LE Editor, GMax, 3DWS, UU3D Pro, Texture Maker Pro, Shader Map Pro. Development language: C/C++

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Thanks Paramecij and Pixel Perfect, yes i work on full time on this.


Here is the 13 minute long video that i promised and for the first time it was captured and encoded in HD, so dont forget to watch it in 1080p if you can ! No zombies/monsters in this video just a simple exploration, i keep the suprise for the next one wink.png



(There is some little freezes but this is due to the recording... my hard drive is slow as hell and i have some problems with i record videos, that's why the gun movement is not so smooth in the video, without the recording i get a solid and stable 50 - 60fps, my optimisations on my custom grass/bushes system and my custom LOD management and contribution culling system is starting to pay smile.png)

  • Upvote 7
You guys are going to be the death of me. Josh
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Hmmm - to that point we are pretty much even in progress I like however that we differ in game design ( I use small terrains with local hubs and a pretty nasty environment ).

If its not a completely dead world I suggest to use some events as eye opener like distant jets passing, stars falling ( guess you know what I mean ) etc.

The little rockwall looks out of place and I had the intention that 2.5 is capable of vertex painting the road ... they look to clean IMHO. Looking forward to see your ai - I didn't even really started :D.


congrats so fahr - quit an archivement :)

AMD 64 X2 Dual 5k - 4GB - XFX GForce9800GT - nv196.21 - WinXP Sp3

zBrush4R2 - Silo2Pro - Unwrap3DPro - Gile - MaPZone2.5




Xxploration FPS in progress ...

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Finally got the chance to see the video - my immediate association: DayZ (yeah you mentioned it, but even if you didn't, the resemblance is strong...)


Some nice features and details on display there, I like the movement and gun handling, the atmosphere and vegetation placement is great (as I said before), the only thing bothering me is the silence. I know it's still a WIP and sounds will eventually be added, but still, with a long video like that the lack of any ambient sound gets really apparent. ;)

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