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Custom publish steps


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It would be great if we could hook into the publishing process so we can run our own tools for processing content per platform.


Ideally there would be support for arbitrary commands, therefore we could use shell scrips and our own programs.


It would be good if we could specify commands per platform and commands that are run on all platforms. The programs being run would need to know the target platform (maybe through environment variables?)


These would be project level settings, so they are versioned and distributed with the project.



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This could be done with a few optional executables to run, with a field for their command lines.


Can you tell me more about what you would have this process do?

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I guess we would like to specify a set of commands that are run in a shell environment. The shell environment would be started in the project directory with the destination directory and target platform set as environment variables. The commands would be run before any of Leadwerks publishing code (So that any extra assets we may copy into the project directory will get packaged up during publishing)


One thing we could use this for is the optimization of our own assets for different platforms. For example we have code that can load a set of assets and position them on screen from a JSON file during development time. We would like to be able to run our tool which extracts only the specific data for the platform we are targeting with that build and convert it into the optimized binary format.


There will probably be loads of other uses we would find for such a facility but that is one that currently comes to mind.




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