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Pause/Resume Animation


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Can we please have a way to pause the current animation, and then resume it?
Use case: Player is climbing a ladder and then stops. Animation needs to stop on the given frame, and then be resumed when the player starts moving again.

I don't think this can be done with the existing functions; you can choose which frame to start from, but I don't think you would know which frame you have stopped at.

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In this situation, if you finish climbing the ladder, would it matter where you start the next animation from? Wouldn't any starting point work, since it would just transition from the ladder animation to the walking animation (or maybe a "get to the top" animation played in between the two.

I kind of started moving the animation frame data back to the main thread to make that available. I'm not sure how it will work yet, but it would be convenient for things like timng footsteps.

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