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Blender Auto-Terrainer


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I did a search for this here, but didn't find any matches, so.. decided to share.

I came across a tool earlier for Blender that looks to have a lot of potential with creating some nice looking terrain and features (cliffs, boulders, etc). 
It's called "Blender Auto-Terrainer". It uses complex modifiers to apply geometry and shader nodes to make it look like an actual terrain, including texturing, and scattering of grass/rocks/etc if you wish.

I wondered if it would be applicable to create lower-poly features in games. So, I've been testing it out and, at least on a simpler object so far, it seems to work great.
I attached a couple shots of what I made for my first test. Super simple.

I forgot to take shots of the base item, but it was a very simple rectangular shape with 12 faces per side (back and bottom removed). I nudged around vertices a bit to make it vaguely "cliff-shaped". 

My basic process was:
1 - Create the base "rough" object.
2 - Append the modifiers from the source .blend file.
3 - Tweak the settings 'til I liked it.
4 - Applied the Modifiers.
5 - Decimated the final object to get the poly count down.
6 - Did a very basic UV-Unwrap of the final object. 
7 - Baked the material (diffuse only for this first test) to a new image.
8 - Saved and exported the final texture map.
9 - Exported to glTF
10 - Imported to Ultra Engine

My next tests will involve swapping out the included textures with my own, and baking more of the channels (normal, etc) for a more detailed result.
But for now, this shows promise! If I do end up using it more extensively, I'll definitely be buying the full version and throwing the creator a tip.

Here's the main page for the tool:

Here's a vid showing the tool and how it works, etc...


Screenshot 2025-03-16 114559.png

Screenshot 2025-03-16 114511.png

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Little update.
Created a more complex shape for the base, and am going to bake out the normal map as well, etc. 
Haven't used Blender seriously since somewhere in the 3.x versions, and am a bit rusty, so... re-learning to bake normals and all that fun stuff.

Here's the process so far. Terrainer's material nodes are applied still in all these. 
Just need to smooth out some "clunky" spots on the decimated mesh, then create the new UV-Map and bake the textures for the final result.

Next round I'll be replacing the textures with my own. Or I might just download some from TextureHaven or something. Will have to dig into the material nodes and swap out the textures, etc.

I really like this tool so far. Lots of flexibility, pretty straight-forward to use, and really nice results.


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