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Go to solution Solved by Josh,

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Ok I found out why I was silent crashing with CreateInterface()

I am pulling my camera from the editor with this code :

    local camlist = world:GetTaggedEntities("maincamera")
    if camlist == nil then Notify("ERROR: No camera labeled 'maincamera' in scene!!!") end
    cam = camlist[1]

Then creating my interface:

        if ConsolePadfont == nil then
            ConsolePadfont = LoadFont("Fonts/JetBrainsMono-Bold.ttf")

        --Create user interface
        ConsolePadui = CreateInterface(cam, ConsolePadfont, framebuffer.size)

Upon until just a day or two ago this worked fine..  

And I was deeply puzzled why it kept crashing at createinterface..  Then I removed the Camera from the main scene in the editor, 

Created my own camera via code. and it works fine.

 afont  = LoadFont("Fonts/JetBrainsMono-Bold.ttf")
 icam = CreateCamera(world)
 iface = CreateInterface(icam, afont, framebuffer.size)

So not sure if this is a bug or just the way things got changed... but thats what was happening.


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  • Solution

It should work if you just cast the entity to a camera:

cam = camlist[1]
cam = Camera(cam)


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CreateCamera returns a Camera object.

GetTaggedEntities() returns a table of Entity objects. So the Entity has to be cast to a Camera before it can be used.

  • Thanks 1

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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