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Setting brush texels per meter does not seem to work properly


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It seems to me that the option to change the number of texels per meter for brushes does not work properly.

Tools -> Options -> Project settings
Change "Brush texels per meter", for example to 256, "Apply", "Ok"

Select material
Create first box brush

Change "Brush texels per meter" to 128
Create second box brush

Change "Brush texels per meter" to 64
Create third box brush

All 3 brushes created seem to have the same texel density, although different from the default.

Then change the tool to "Move" and click on one of the brushes.
Its texels per meter returns to the default value.
Similarly, if you use the "Rotate" or "Scale" tool.
In the latter case, not when you click, but when you resize the brush.

One more thing by the way.
Texture preview popup show correct filter value, but the texture editor in the combo box remembers the last selected “Linear” or “Nearest” value.
Regardless of whether you open a texture with "filter": 0 or 1 in .meta - the combo box always shows the last option used (or default) but not the one from associated .meta file.

Latest dev build from today, updated few minutes ago.

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You are correct. This was recently moved from general options into a per-project setting, but some code was still looking for the setting in the old location.

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