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Multithreaded Resource Loading


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Can we please have a way for multithreaded resource loading eg. models, textures, sounds. I think it will get quite slow when stacking up a lot of resources to be loaded on the main thread, not to mention that you can't render anything while this is occurring.

Ideally, a thread pool class would be useful for this.

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If you are loading content like that, wouldn't the bottleneck be the hard drive read speed, in which case multiple threads would make it slower?

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I'm not sure if I misunderstand what you mean "like that" - there's several resources that are needed to be loaded on startup that simply wouldn't do during gameplay or you would see clear hiccups in play, for example when a player picks up a weapon for the first time. And naturally, you load all resources for a map when you want to enter that map, but you don't want the main thread locked up, and game unresponsive during that time.

The hard drive is not the bottleneck, its the fact that the main thread is loading everything. Ideally, the main thread will sit idly by, showing some kind of loading animation, while the thread pool is loading all required resources. You could provide a non-fool-proof mechanism under which the developer provides the start point and end point essentially for loading, in which time it's not safe to render/play those given resource, so you can avoid mutex locks all over the place in your resource wrapper classes.

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7 hours ago, StOneDOes said:

Ideally, the main thread will sit idly by, showing some kind of loading animation, while the thread pool is loading all required resources.

That's basically how the rendering thread works right now. If the main thread stalls, the rendering thread just keeps drawing frames. You can use a shader to display a spinning indicator for a loading screen while the next level is loading.

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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Yes. Another option might be to use a callback with the scene load function and periodically check for window events in the callback.

It would probably even be fine to create a separate thread and load the scene on that thread, as long as you did not call any commands other than PeekEvent/WaitEvent in the main thread while that was running. Something like this:

while (PeekEvent()) WaitEvent(); // clear out events
auto thread = CreateThread(std::bind(&LoadScene, mapfile)); // create loading thread
while (thread->GetState() != THREAD_FINISHED)
	while (PeekEvent()) WaitEvent(); // process events so window keeps responding

If you have any event hooks that execute 3D commands while the loading thread is running, it could cause big problems, so make sure you aren't doing anything based on keyboard input, for example, other than just setting some values like jumpkeypressed = true.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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13 hours ago, Josh said:

If you have any event hooks that execute 3D commands while the loading thread is running, it could cause big problems, so make sure you aren't doing anything based on keyboard input, for example, other than just setting some values like jumpkeypressed = true.

So we could use this same logic, but instead of just using a single thread; a thread pool. While we know we are in loading state, we simply just do not do anything involving resources, otherwise we would probably expect issues. Is your under-the-hood resource manager thread safe? If it is I can test this myself.

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9 hours ago, StOneDOes said:

Is your under-the-hood resource manager thread safe? If it is I can test this myself.

No, definitely not. If you start creating entities in the world on different threads it will cause very bad problems. Even if your tests work fine, it is going to eventually start crashing.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Right, so what would be the chances of you putting this on the to-do list? Because this is a big concern for me; Right now I have (I would say not a large amount) of different resources loaded just after the map has been loaded (I do have 2 high quality weapons), and it is taken almost 35 seconds in debug mode. I haven't written my cmakelists for release mode yet so I don't have a metric on that, but given that the map would be not even 10% done; it is a bit of a worry, and I haven't added any LODs to the existing models that I have (which could cause longer load times).

In Battlefield 4, it takes me less than 20 seconds to join a full server on a large conquest map. Now I know its not fair to compare a work in progress engine to arguably one of (if not) the best game engines ever made, but I'm just trying to put loading time into perspective. And I don't think it would be difficult to do, although obviously I can't see your implementation. I am more than happy to provide an efficient thread pool for this, but I can't handle the thread saftey side.

Just to note I have a AMD Ryzen 9 3900X processor, and wouldn't expect people to require something newer than this to play my game.

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I do not plan on attempting to create entities on another thread because it would cause an enormous amount of problems. Most multiplayer games have a pretty much static world and don't require the flexibility our entity system provides. If I were to implement something like what BF4 is probably doing, it would require a major tradeoff because things you might take for granted right now would suddenly be impossible.

It's not really a matter of one engine being better than the other, it's just that BF4 is probably highly specialized for one game, and compared to that my engine tends to favor flexibility and ease of use.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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35 minutes ago, StOneDOes said:

and it is taken almost 35 seconds in debug mode

How long does it take in release mode?

I think a better direction to look at in the future might be seeing if scene load times can be optimized at all. That's usually much easier than a complicated multithreaded system that will probably not work very well.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I mentioned BF4 just as an example of me saying, this is how much stuff is in that world/map and it doesn't take long, and its a very nonstatic / alive world. I don't think it would be a stretch to say that most modern game engines would use multiple threads for resource loading, or at least provide a means to do so.

One other suggestion that I have is, something that would hopefully be rather easy; If you were to provide some kind of function eg. Entity::CreateModelUnmanaged(). It takes a path to the file on disk loads it, and simply returns the new model, and does not touch your system or resource manager whatsoever. Then I can run this on multiple threads, store a whole collection of models on my end, and then when I'm done, on the main thread, I use some other function like World::ManageMyModel() which takes the shared pointer that I received earlier, and basically copies it into your resource manager, just like the existing CreateModel() function would do. That way I handle all the thread safety, and the engine remains hypothetically untouched? Admittedly, the longest load times are caused by weapons that are not actually in the map (or at least not yet), rather given to the player, so something like this would be super useful to do say on game startup.

As for how long release mode takes; I'll get back to you when I finish writing the release mode cmakelists ... I've been putting that off for a while :D

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Theoretically LoadModel() with the LOAD_UNMANAGED flag in a separate world might be safe, but I would not recommend this.

If there is a big difference between the release and debug load speeds, that indicates to me STL is likely the cause. I think we are better off identifying bottlenecks and targeting those. The problem resource loading stuff that could be multithreaded is likely already not to be a problem, just look how fast textures load in the latest builds of the editor. Likewise, mesh data is really unlikely to be forming a bottleneck unless STL is causing one, in which case the best solution would be our own resizable array class to replace STL vector. I had to write my own sorting code in some of the terrain system because the STL version was too slow in debug builds.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Someone else had some long load times and it turned out they were using PNG files for textures. Please make sure your textures are stored in DDS format, they load much faster.

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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Ok - Just ran a quick test after converting all the weapon textures from from PNG to DDS and it loads insanely faster. Thanks for the tip.

I also forgot to get back to you; release mode didnt make much at all differences; I guess it is due to the texture load times. I'm still yet to try loading unmanaged models though. which is something I will still do despite how fast the DDS textures load.

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7 hours ago, StOneDOes said:

Also, its good to know that the unmanaged flag appears to be working as expected. I've had some good results with loading multiple weapon models on separate threads via a thread pool.

This will definitely cause crashes, even if it isn't crashing on your computer right now.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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1 hour ago, Josh said:

This will definitely cause crashes, even if it isn't crashing on your computer right now.

Why is that? I thought this was the idea of it being unmanaged; basically just giving me an isolated copy of what I have loaded?

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Normally when an asset is loaded, if another copy of the same asset has been loaded, either the same object or a copy of the object will be returned, depending on what type of item it is. The UNMANAGED flag will override the default behavior and always load a new unique copy of the item from the file system.

If two threads happen to write to the same variable at the same time, or one is writing while the other is reading, you will get unpredictable results because that variable could become any value. The UNMANAGED flag does not make code thread-safe.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I only ever load one copy of each model, and each model is inserted into in an unordered map in a thread safe manner. If by use of the unmanaged flag, the function does not touch anything in the engine internals, then I'm not sure how this would cause a crash.

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8 minutes ago, StOneDOes said:

If by use of the unmanaged flag, the function does not touch anything in the engine internals

This is not what the unmanaged flag does! Entities get inserted into the scene octree, entities interact with lights, entities get inserted into global lists, commands get sent to command buffer queues for the various threads. There is a ton of stuff going on behind the scenes at all times.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Well you mentioned earlier that it would be theoretically possible to do in a separate world. In my case, I'm doing it at game start when the world is completely blank. IMO something like this needs to be possible going forward or I just don't see any way in which we load a large number of resources efficiently. Sorry to reiterate but I feel very strongly about this.

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You gained a big increase in loading speed by using DDS textures instead of image files. The best way forward is to analyze what takes the majority of loading time and how that can be optimized, not to start with an overly complicated solution we don't know will help.

Do you have a scene that takes too long to load? What is the loading speed, in release and debug builds?

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Yes I did, and the increase is great, but when I have 30 different guns it will be a major problem. Multithreading in itself is not complicated; obviously having not seen your implementation I can't say too much in that regard, but you're saying that we don't know it will help? Of course we know it will help. If you have a model that takes seconds, not milliseconds to load, and you start queuing these up, its going to take a long time, vs loading each one (into memory) on a separate background thread. You're going goint to get signifcant gains. Not everything can be improved algorithmically, hence why multiple thread utilization has always been a hot topic, and now the norm, for gaming.

We can't have a game window that sits there non responsive whilst it loads a large amount of resources; players are just going to think the game has crashed or hung, especially if they click the window.

I don't have a scene at the moment; I downloaded a couple of high quality weapon models, each with 60 texture maps each. I don't place these in the world; I want to load them manually as the game starts up; so ideally I would be able to perform an unmanaged load on them, not place them into any world, keep them stored in memory, and copy them into the world at a time of my choosing.

As for the time it took to load these models (you may have seen them in some of my bug reports):

-MP7 : 1466 ms
-M82 : 12406 ms

-MP7 : 9312 ms
-M82 : 50758 ms


This is not terrible for a demo, but arguing to what degree it affects me now is not the focus of the issue here, rather how it will affect me and others in the future. I think you'll find that this alone will deter a lot of people.

Now look, I'm going to be completely honest with you; I am most likely not going to use models of this high quality because I only recently found out how much money it would cost me to get such a thing done. But its still a matter of principle, despite the models going to be used will be lower quality than I had once hoped.

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