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Material generates not correct from Mixamo model FBX Binary


Go to solution Solved by Josh,

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It makes Leadwerks format and can't find textures:

// Leadwerks Material File


texture0="./Warrok W Kurniawan.fbm/bear_diffuse.tex"
texture1="./Warrok W Kurniawan.fbm/bear_normal.tex"
texture2="./Warrok W Kurniawan.fbm/bear_specular.tex"



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Mixamo rig? When you convert fbx with skins it should create a directory in the same folder using the model name with a .fbm extension the skins will be in there. Normally I just create a new material there and map it to the model from the parent directory.

Just create a new material and map the textures yourself.. just to be sure.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you please upload the file you want me to test? I don't know how to download models from that website. When I click on a character it switches to an untextured dummy character.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I converted the model through Unwrap3D and sent you the result.

I guess embedded textures are actually supported, they just get extracted to an odd location. I can probably do some kind of post-step to improve this, but it is not high priority. I'll leave this open for now and come back to it later.

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