Marleys Ghost Posted January 5, 2010 Share Posted January 5, 2010 A Simple Scene Loader with Player Controller in Blitzmax Using the latest sync of LWE 2.3 and Blitzmax 1.36 For those of you who may find this useful. Create a new app directory. Call it Basic Copy from the 2.3 SDK folder to the Basic folder the following: The "scripts" folder newton.dll JointLibrary.dll Create a new text document in the Basic folder and name it: basicsceneloader.bmx Double click on this file, Blitzmax should now open. Copy and paste the following code into it. SuperStrict Framework leadwerks.engine 'To Generate an updated lua-gluefunctions.bmx uncomment the lines tagged [1] 'and comment out the line tagged [2]. Run the code once, then swap back. 'lua-gluefunctions.bmx needs to be inside the App directory. Import "PATH TO YOUR 2.3 SDK FOLDER\BMX\Framework\framework.bmx" 'Import lugi.generator '[1] Include "lua-gluefunctions.bmx" '[2] 'generateGlueCode("lua-gluefunctions.bmx") '[1] 'End '[1] AppTitle:String = "Basic Example : BMAX + Leadwerks Engine 2.3" GCSetMode(2) 'Register the directory under which the abstract file system will search. RegisterAbstractPath("PATH TO YOUR SDK FOLDER") 'Create a Graphics window Graphics(800, 600) AFilter(1) 'Set the anisotropic filter. Range 1-16 'Using AFilter(MaxAFilter()) will use the maximum supported anisotropic filter on your PC 'Adding the line "DrawText ("MaxAFilter = " + MaxAFilter(), 0, 80)" 'after "fw.Render()" will display on screen the maximum supported anisotropic filter. TFilter(1) 'Set trilinear filtering : 0 = off : 1 = on. 'Create a new Framework object. Global fw:TFramework = TFramework.Create() If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine." SetScriptObject("fw", fw)'Setup the global script objects. SetPostFX()'Setup the post processing FX SetVegetationShadowMode(0)'Setup vegetation layer shadows : 0 = off : 1 = on. 'Load the scene. Global scene:TEntity = LoadScene("abstract::YOUR_SCENE.sbx") 'Setup the player controller. Global player:TController = CreateController(2.0) PositionEntity(player, StringToVec3(scene.getkey("cameraposition"))) EntityType(player, 3) SetBodyMass(player, 50.0) SetBodyBuoyancyMode(player,0) Collisions(1, 3, 3) 'Setup the player movement variables. Global move:Float = 0.0 Global strafe:Float = 0.0 Global camrotation:TVec3 = Vec3(0) Global mx:Float = 0.0 Global my:Float = 0.0 Global jump:Float = 0.0 Global playerpos:TVec3 = Vec3(0) HideMouse() 'Set stats level : 0 = No statistics : 1 = Show frame rate : 2 = Full statistics. fw.SetStats(2) 'Main program loop. Repeat If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit If AppTerminate() Exit UpdateAppTime() UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()) PlayerController() fw.Update() fw.Render() Flip(0) Forever fw.renderer.gbuffer = Null GCCollect() End 'Functions. Function SetPostFX()'0 = off : 1 = on. fw.renderer.SetAntialias(1) fw.renderer.SetBloom(1) fw.renderer.SetGodRays(1) fw.renderer.SetHDR(1) fw.renderer.SetSSAO(1) fw.renderer.SetWireFrame(0) End Function Function PlayerController() mx = Curve(MouseX() - GraphicsWidth() / 2, mx, 6) my = Curve(MouseY() - GraphicsHeight() / 2, my, 6) MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2) camrotation.X = camrotation.X + my / 10.0 camrotation.Y = camrotation.Y - mx / 10.0 RotateEntity(, camrotation) move = KeyDown(KEY_W) - KeyDown(KEY_S) strafe = KeyDown(KEY_D) - KeyDown(KEY_A) jump:Float = 0.0 If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) & Not ControllerAirborne(player) jump = 4.0 End If If KeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) | KeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT) move = move * 3.0 strafe = strafe * 3.0 End If playerpos = EntityPosition(player) playerpos.Y = playerpos.Y + 0.80 PositionEntity(, playerpos) UpdateController(player, camrotation.Y, move * 3, strafe * 3, jump, 500, 10) End Function Function StringToVec2:TVec2(text:String, scale:Float = 1.0) Local t:TVec2 = Vec2(1) Local sarr:String[] sarr = text.split(",") If sarr If sarr.length > 0 t.x = Float(sarr[0]) * scale If sarr.length > 1 t.y = Float(sarr[1]) * scale EndIf Return t EndFunction Function StringToVec3:TVec3(text:String, scale:Float = 1.0) Local t:TVec3 = Vec3(1) Local sarr:String[] sarr = text.split(",") If sarr If sarr.length > 0 t.x = Float(sarr[0]) * scale If sarr.length > 1 t.y = Float(sarr[1]) * scale If sarr.length > 2 t.z = Float(sarr[2]) * scale EndIf Return t EndFunction Function StringToVec4:TVec4(text:String, scale:Float = 1.0) Local t:TVec4 = Vec4(1) Local sarr:String[] sarr = text.split(",") If sarr If sarr.length > 0 t.x = Float(sarr[0]) * scale If sarr.length > 1 t.y = Float(sarr[1]) * scale If sarr.length > 2 t.z = Float(sarr[2]) * scale If sarr.length > 3 t.w = Float(sarr[3]) * scale EndIf Return t EndFunction Function SetScriptObject(name:String, o:Object) Local size:Int=GetStackSize() lua_pushbmaxobject(luastate.L,o) lua_setglobal(luastate.L,name) SetStackSize(size) EndFunction Function GetStackSize:Int() Return lua_gettop(luastate.L) EndFunction Function SetStackSize(size:Int) Local currentsize:Int=GetStackSize() If size<currentsize lua_pop(luastate.L,currentsize-size) EndIf EndFunction Locate the part of the code at the start that reads: 'To Generate an updated lua-gluefunctions.bmx uncomment the lines tagged [1] 'and comment out the line tagged [2]. Run the code once, then swap back. 'lua-gluefunctions.bmx needs to be inside the App directory. Import "PATH TO YOUR 2.3 SDK FOLDER\BMX\Framework\framework.bmx" 'Import lugi.generator '[1] Include "lua-gluefunctions.bmx" '[2] 'generateGlueCode("lua-gluefunctions.bmx") '[1] 'End '[1] Follow the instructions so you now have: 'To Generate an updated lua-gluefunctions.bmx uncomment the lines tagged [1] 'and comment out the line tagged [2]. Run the code once, then swap back. 'lua-gluefunctions.bmx needs to be inside the App directory. Import "PATH TO YOUR 2.3 SDK FOLDER\BMX\Framework\framework.bmx" Import lugi.generator '[1] 'Include "lua-gluefunctions.bmx" '[2] generateGlueCode("lua-gluefunctions.bmx") '[1] End '[1] Now click "build and Run" When the process is complete swap the above back to: Import "PATH TO YOUR 2.3 SDK FOLDER\BMX\Framework\framework.bmx" 'Import lugi.generator '[1] Include "lua-gluefunctions.bmx" '[2] 'generateGlueCode("lua-gluefunctions.bmx") '[1] 'End '[1] This will now have generated the "lua-gluefunctions.bmx" into the Basic app directory. Point the RegisterAbstractPath to your Leadwerks SDK install directory. That is: RegisterAbstractPath("PATH TO YOUR 2.3 SDK FOLDER") Now open the 2.3 editor and create a scene, save it into your 2.3 SDK's maps folder (the default). name it "basic". Locate the line: Global scene:TEntity = LoadScene("abstract::YOUR_SCENE.sbx") and change to: Global scene:TEntity = LoadScene("abstract::basic.sbx") Now click "build and Run" Basic controls W,A,S,D and Space Bar to Jump : Mouse look. The code is annotated with help for settings. I hope this is of some use to someone. UPDATED: Thanks to Macklebee for input on the global script objects. 1 Quote AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5 Windows 7 Home 64 bit BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 • MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro 3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline • UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0 Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel • Marleys Ghost's Blog "I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saoru71 Posted January 5, 2010 Share Posted January 5, 2010 whoa MG! There's some serious bmax stuff going on there dude! Pretty cool! thx for posting it. Quote My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marleys Ghost Posted January 6, 2010 Author Share Posted January 6, 2010 An Even Simpler Scene Loader with Player Controller in Blitzmax Using the latest sync of LWE 2.3 and Blitzmax 1.36 In case of any confusion caused by the code in the lead post having the inclusion of the lua-gluefunctions.bmx generation, this is the code with the lua-gluefunctions.bmx generation removed. A seperate mini tutorial on creating a small app in a seperate directory to create the lua-gluefunctions.bmx can be found here You will need to then copy and paste the lua-gluefunctions.bmx to the Basic app directory. Create a new app directory. Call it Basic Copy from the 2.3 SDK folder to the Basic folder the following: The "scripts" folder newton.dll JointLibrary.dll Create a new text document in the Basic folder and name it: basicsceneloader.bmx Double click on this file, Blitzmax should now open. Copy and paste the following code into it. SuperStrict Framework leadwerks.engine Import "PATH TO YOUR 2.3 SDK FOLDER\BMX\Framework\framework.bmx" Include "lua-gluefunctions.bmx" AppTitle:String = "Basic Example : BMAX + Leadwerks Engine 2.3" GCSetMode(2) 'Register the directory under which the abstract file system will search. RegisterAbstractPath("PATH TO YOUR 2.3 SDK FOLDER") 'Create a Graphics window Graphics(800, 600) AFilter(1) 'Set the anisotropic filter. Range 1-16 'Using AFilter(MaxAFilter()) will use the maximum supported anisotropic filter on your PC 'Adding the line "DrawText ("MaxAFilter = " + MaxAFilter(), 0, 80)" 'after "fw.Render()" will display on screen the maximum supported anisotropic filter. TFilter(1) 'Set trilinear filtering : 0 = off : 1 = on. 'Create a new Framework object. Global fw:TFramework = TFramework.Create() If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine." SetScriptObject("fw", fw)'Setup the global script objects. SetPostFX()'Setup the post processing FX SetVegetationShadowMode(0)'Setup vegetation layer shadows : 0 = off : 1 = on. 'Load the scene. Global scene:TEntity = LoadScene("abstract::basic.sbx") 'Setup the player controller. Global player:TController = CreateController(2.0) PositionEntity(player, StringToVec3(scene.getkey("cameraposition"))) EntityType(player, 3) SetBodyMass(player, 50.0) SetBodyBuoyancyMode(player,0) Collisions(1, 3, 3) 'Setup the player movement variables. Global move:Float = 0.0 Global strafe:Float = 0.0 Global camrotation:TVec3 = Vec3(0) Global mx:Float = 0.0 Global my:Float = 0.0 Global jump:Float = 0.0 Global playerpos:TVec3 = Vec3(0) HideMouse() 'Set stats level : 0 = No statistics : 1 = Show frame rate : 2 = Full statistics. fw.SetStats(2) 'Main program loop. Repeat If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit If AppTerminate() Exit UpdateAppTime() UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()) PlayerController() fw.Update() fw.Render() Flip(0) Forever fw.renderer.gbuffer = Null GCCollect() End 'Functions. Function SetPostFX()'0 = off : 1 = on. fw.renderer.SetAntialias(1) fw.renderer.SetBloom(1) fw.renderer.SetGodRays(1) fw.renderer.SetHDR(1) fw.renderer.SetSSAO(0) fw.renderer.SetWireFrame(0) End Function Function PlayerController() mx = Curve(MouseX() - GraphicsWidth() / 2, mx, 6) my = Curve(MouseY() - GraphicsHeight() / 2, my, 6) MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2) camrotation.X = camrotation.X + my / 10.0 camrotation.Y = camrotation.Y - mx / 10.0 RotateEntity(, camrotation) move = KeyDown(KEY_W) - KeyDown(KEY_S) strafe = KeyDown(KEY_D) - KeyDown(KEY_A) jump:Float = 0.0 If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) & Not ControllerAirborne(player) jump = 4.0 End If If KeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) | KeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT) move = move * 3.0 strafe = strafe * 3.0 End If playerpos = EntityPosition(player) playerpos.Y = playerpos.Y + 0.80 PositionEntity(, playerpos) UpdateController(player, camrotation.Y, move * 3, strafe * 3, jump, 500, 10) End Function Function StringToVec2:TVec2(text:String, scale:Float = 1.0) Local t:TVec2 = Vec2(1) Local sarr:String[] sarr = text.split(",") If sarr If sarr.length > 0 t.x = Float(sarr[0]) * scale If sarr.length > 1 t.y = Float(sarr[1]) * scale EndIf Return t EndFunction Function StringToVec3:TVec3(text:String, scale:Float = 1.0) Local t:TVec3 = Vec3(1) Local sarr:String[] sarr = text.split(",") If sarr If sarr.length > 0 t.x = Float(sarr[0]) * scale If sarr.length > 1 t.y = Float(sarr[1]) * scale If sarr.length > 2 t.z = Float(sarr[2]) * scale EndIf Return t EndFunction Function StringToVec4:TVec4(text:String, scale:Float = 1.0) Local t:TVec4 = Vec4(1) Local sarr:String[] sarr = text.split(",") If sarr If sarr.length > 0 t.x = Float(sarr[0]) * scale If sarr.length > 1 t.y = Float(sarr[1]) * scale If sarr.length > 2 t.z = Float(sarr[2]) * scale If sarr.length > 3 t.w = Float(sarr[3]) * scale EndIf Return t EndFunction Function SetScriptObject(name:String, o:Object) Local size:Int=GetStackSize() lua_pushbmaxobject(luastate.L,o) lua_setglobal(luastate.L,name) SetStackSize(size) EndFunction Function GetStackSize:Int() Return lua_gettop(luastate.L) EndFunction Function SetStackSize(size:Int) Local currentsize:Int=GetStackSize() If size<currentsize lua_pop(luastate.L,currentsize-size) EndIf EndFunction Point the RegisterAbstractPath to your Leadwerks SDK install directory. That is: RegisterAbstractPath("PATH TO YOUR 2.3 SDK FOLDER") Now open the 2.3 editor and create a scene, save it into your 2.3 SDK's maps folder (the default). name it "basic". Locate the line: Global scene:TEntity = LoadScene("abstract::YOUR_SCENE.sbx") and change to: Global scene:TEntity = LoadScene("abstract::basic.sbx") Now click "build and Run" Basic controls W,A,S,D and Space Bar to Jump : Mouse look. The code is annotated with help for settings. 1 Quote AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5 Windows 7 Home 64 bit BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 • MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro 3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline • UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0 Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel • Marleys Ghost's Blog "I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassius Posted January 6, 2010 Share Posted January 6, 2010 I can't find a text editor that will paste this file without destroying the format. Whats the best way to get it Quote amd quad core 4 ghz / geforce 660 ti 2gb / win 10 Blender,gimp,silo2,ac3d,,audacity,Hexagon / using c++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canardia Posted January 6, 2010 Share Posted January 6, 2010 It's IE which destroys the formatting. Use SeaMonkey, or any worse browser, but not IE. Quote ■ Ryzen 9 ■ RX 6800M ■ 16GB ■ XF8 ■ Windows 11 ■ ■ Ultra ■ LE 2.5 ■ 3DWS 5.6 ■ Reaper ■ C/C++ ■ C# ■ Fortran 2008 ■ Story ■ ■ Homepage: ■ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marleys Ghost Posted January 7, 2010 Author Share Posted January 7, 2010 I think Google Chrome works ... don't use it myself but am sure someone said they did for copying and pasting code from the forum. Quote AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5 Windows 7 Home 64 bit BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 • MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro 3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline • UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0 Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel • Marleys Ghost's Blog "I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassius Posted January 7, 2010 Share Posted January 7, 2010 Google chrome works fine. Thanks EDIT: Oh and thanks for the program,very usefull. Quote amd quad core 4 ghz / geforce 660 ti 2gb / win 10 Blender,gimp,silo2,ac3d,,audacity,Hexagon / using c++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quan Posted January 31, 2010 Share Posted January 31, 2010 This is a great example and has been helping me out a lot but I have one issue. If I try to load any map that uses the tree_spruce_2 asset as vegetation ( eg the terrain_arctic.sbx map ) I get the following error: Unhanded Exception:Zip data error Which is pointing towards the line in the basicsceneloader.bmx 'Load the scene. Global scene:TEntity = LoadScene("abstract::terrain_arctic.sbx") Thanks Quote BMax 1.38 * Leadwerks 2.4 * Unity 3.0 Pro * Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 - Win7 64bit - ATI 4870 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marleys Ghost Posted January 31, 2010 Author Share Posted January 31, 2010 vegetation_tree_spruce_2 is a protected asset an can only be used in the editor and not in seperate applications. Quote AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5 Windows 7 Home 64 bit BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 • MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro 3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline • UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0 Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel • Marleys Ghost's Blog "I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marleys Ghost Posted January 31, 2010 Author Share Posted January 31, 2010 There is a great tree pack you can download (if you have not already) European Nature Pack. Its by Michael Betke and well worth the Download Quote AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5 Windows 7 Home 64 bit BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 • MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro 3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline • UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0 Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel • Marleys Ghost's Blog "I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
macklebee Posted January 31, 2010 Share Posted January 31, 2010 well, I don't get that specific error, but the issue is because thats a protected asset in the private folder. These items cannot be used in your own programs unless you purchase them. Same goes for the viperscout. There is a file in the Private folder called: dexsoft-games.txt which states: Quote Go here to get the full versions of these models. Viperscout pack Northern Vegetation pack EDIT--dangit MG Quote Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590 LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon macklebee's channel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quan Posted January 31, 2010 Share Posted January 31, 2010 Cool thanks, that clears things up. I saw the private folder but never clicked inside it. I think Dexsoft-games might get a sale out of me some time in the future Quote BMax 1.38 * Leadwerks 2.4 * Unity 3.0 Pro * Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 - Win7 64bit - ATI 4870 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marleys Ghost Posted January 31, 2010 Author Share Posted January 31, 2010 Quote EDIT--dangit MG Now what did I do ? Quote AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5 Windows 7 Home 64 bit BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 • MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro 3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline • UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0 Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel • Marleys Ghost's Blog "I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saoru71 Posted February 1, 2010 Share Posted February 1, 2010 MG, you can also keep your abstract path relative to your app's folder, in case you're working outside LE's, with: RegisterAbstractPath AppDir Quote My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marleys Ghost Posted February 1, 2010 Author Share Posted February 1, 2010 On 2/1/2010 at 5:23 PM, afecelis said: MG, you can also keep your abstract path relative to your app's folder, in case you're working outside LE's, with: RegisterAbstractPath AppDir Very true, and there is also a very good reason why any basic sample code I post always uses the path to the SDK folder Quote AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5 Windows 7 Home 64 bit BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 • MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro 3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline • UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0 Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel • Marleys Ghost's Blog "I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saoru71 Posted February 1, 2010 Share Posted February 1, 2010 which is? Quote My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marleys Ghost Posted February 1, 2010 Author Share Posted February 1, 2010 On 2/1/2010 at 6:26 PM, afecelis said: which is? It saves months of having to ask the same questions to those with "alleged" problems like "have you copied <insert one of the numerous files that need to be in the appdir to run your app from that dir.> to the Appdir?" Quote AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5 Windows 7 Home 64 bit BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 • MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro 3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline • UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0 Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel • Marleys Ghost's Blog "I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saoru71 Posted February 1, 2010 Share Posted February 1, 2010 But then if you need to run your project on another pc that doesn't have the SDK you're screwed i.e. if you want to do a showcase presentation to a client on his pc. I always like to keep things local because of that, making sure all of the required files are there. Quote My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
macklebee Posted February 1, 2010 Share Posted February 1, 2010 If you are at the point of doing presentations for a client, you are more than likely past the need for this example. This is a simple basic example to help new people get a simple scene loaded. Quote Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590 LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon macklebee's channel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marleys Ghost Posted February 1, 2010 Author Share Posted February 1, 2010 Quote But then if you need to run your project on another pc that doesn't have the SDK you're screwed Then what is required is a Basic scene loading example using the Appdir. And the author of that can spend months of having to ask the same questions to those with "alleged" problems like "have you copied <insert one of the numerous files that need to be in the appdir to run your app from that dir.> to the Appdir?" Quote AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5 Windows 7 Home 64 bit BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 • MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro 3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline • UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0 Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel • Marleys Ghost's Blog "I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saoru71 Posted February 1, 2010 Share Posted February 1, 2010 looooooooool. I'm not at that point yet, and prolly will never be, but it's always good to consider the "worst case scenario", heheheh. Asking here and getting responses like yours' make me learn a lot...believe me! Quote My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Red Ocktober Posted February 26, 2010 Share Posted February 26, 2010 i was following your similar logic in the other thread MG... great stuff you have here... thx for generously making it available... this is the kinda stuff that needs to be posted (with a lil explanation) in the tuts boards... to the guy who had issues with the text format being destroyed... simply right click on the browser and select view source... copy and paste and then replace the special formated characters, you'll see em... --Mike Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Red Ocktober Posted February 28, 2010 Share Posted February 28, 2010 there appears to be an issue with your simple loader and blitzmax in the debug mode... i loaded up a scene and walked around it, an at the same spot turning in the same direction i consistantly got an exception (reference to a null object) in the renderer... but when i ran it in the release mode (no debugging) the error dissappeared... go figure... anyways.... me thinks (just guessing) it has nothing to do with your code... blitzmax 1.34 seems to be at issue here... just thought you'd like to be aware of these sorta things... gonna try blitzmax 1.37 build later on... i'm reallying getting tired of messing with this sorta stuff... need to get some sorta game done --Mike Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marleys Ghost Posted February 28, 2010 Author Share Posted February 28, 2010 Sounds more like an issue with an object in the scene hence reference to a null object. As for Bmax versions I am currently on 1.38 not sure which version Mack is using. But I upgrade everytime a new release is out. Quote AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5 Windows 7 Home 64 bit BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 • MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro 3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline • UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0 Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel • Marleys Ghost's Blog "I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Red Ocktober Posted February 28, 2010 Share Posted February 28, 2010 Quote Sounds more like an issue with an object in the scene hence reference to a null object. yeah... that's what i thougt at first... but there's only a submarine, a terrain, some water, an oil barrel, and a train car... most stock stuff.... then when i compiled in the release mode, the error vanished... hey MG, does bmax have trace facilities like c... all i get so far is an error msg pointing to something in the renderer... would be nice to be abe to step through the code... --Mike Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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