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Model Scaling


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These models worked in previous versions of the engine. Some time ago, it seems that bone scaling was integrated and now these models don't work as they did before. 

I'm uploaded material-less versions of these models. These are the original Leadwerks Models. I suggest adding a way to adjust the bone scaling manually.

Also, here is video prove on how the editor used to see these models.


Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

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  • 4 months later...

It seems that the animation data contains bone scaling. This can be removed by modifying the shader here:

Line 29 of Base/VertexSkinning.glsl:

	pos = pos * (1.0f - rendertweening) + pos1 * rendertweening;
	quat = Slerp(quat, quat1, rendertweening);

	pos.w = 1.0f; // <------------------ Add this

	mat4 m = QuatToMat4(quat);
	m[0].xyz *= pos.w; m[1].xyz *= pos.w; m[2].xyz *= pos.w;
	m[3].xyz = pos.xyz;

Let me see if Leadwerks 4 does animation scaling. Maybe when the old model format is loaded, it should strip the scale data from animations, if they were never supported...

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  • Solution

Okay, in the legacy model format loader, I set the animation scale to one for each animation frame.

You will need to re-convert the model files from the originals.

  • Sad 1

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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