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Clear project on open


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When deleting maps and projects, it just becomes a pain that LE's editor tries to open the last project worked out. I think to keep this simple and clean, when we open the LE editor it should be empty and not open any existing project/scene.


I also think the idea of scenes and projects need to be tighter to avoid confusion. I can open a scene that exists in a different project while in another project. That's a little strange. Scenes are assets to a project, and just like any other asset scenes should be opened via the Assets/Maps folder via a dbl click. When we open the editor we should first have to select a project. Once we do that then maybe it could open the last scene worked on in that project, or start.map if exists. The flow currently when you are deleting things and switching between projects is a little clunky.

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In the config file, you can set "openlastfile" to 0 to disable this. Basically it's just there so people downloading the demo will see the default map right away.

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