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Terrain bugs


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I have found some small but annoying bugs with the current terrainsystem.

  1. As you mentioned the texture sizes must currently be of 1k*1k, but it seems that they also need to be BC7 encoded or r8_UNORM for displacement
    1.  Leads to black paint results when not in this formats
  2. materials with metal/roughness textures seems not to be working correctly, the terrain becomes very shiny if those are set in the material. sample.zipimage.thumb.png.7fd14401b012f83b93f7a8d2f9ebe422.png
  3. Currently the Terrain doesn't use tesselation when enabled.
  4. If you change materials within the editor, the changes are only shown when you restart the editor and reload the map.


  1. Convert the provided textures to the required format and sizes before building the textureatlas.
  2. Add an option to convert materials and textures to the requirements of the terrain.


  • Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-Version
  • NVIDIA Geforce 1080 TI
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  • 1 month later...

Tessellation is not currently supported on terrain. I don't know if I have even used it in the new rendering backend. It won't really be working until GPU culling is implmented because that simplifies some things.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Solution

#1 is some design that could be improved, but not a bug.

#4 is resolved for the next build, I think. When you change textures all affected terrains will be updated. The other properties should just already be working right.

#3 Tessellation on terrain is not currently supported. This will be implemented along with GPU culling.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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