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I don't know what can be done about this. Is there some kind of error log in leadwerks? I have to check that... I'm sure that Josh makes some more try- catches to reduce these errors. I haven't got the slightest idea how this patterns goes. besided 4x tab, I often have it also with quickly commenting several lines of code after each other.

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Yeah, I wasn't saving either, it's a bit wierd that LUA errors can occur even when you haven't saved the file yet.

Maybe some workaround, like adding -- to the front of the line before doing other changes could avoid the problem :)

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Yeah, that would make sense, since I don't usually make errors, and I still get those messages. LUA errors show up also differently, with a clear line number and descriptive syntax error. I think the access violation is just a simple memory violation caused by the memory allocation routine of the built-in script editor.

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  • 5 weeks later...

This is sort of an old post but I get this type of error all the time. Once it happened when I loaded the editor for the first time, as well as the script editor, hit tab, and I got the error. I don't think it's a Lua error. Not exactly sure what it is, but I'm going to switch over to Notepad++ until anything with this is fixed.


I also tried the in-editor and standalone Lua editor, both do this, computer specs are always in my signature (Windows XP):

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