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C++, Lua and editor tutorials


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This topic lists all my tutorials. Whether it is C++, Lua scripting or editor use.


Editor tutorial


Project saturn

With project Saturn we will make a game entirely from scratch. Using the Leadwerks engine 3 and the Lua scripting language we will look in to the challenges, obstacles and sometimes funny outcomes that happen during game development.


See the youtube playlist here:


All indiviual tutorials:

  1. Picking up items for the inventory


C++ and Lua Tutorials

You can find all the C++ tutorials source code and media files in the download section of Werkspace: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/533-c-tutorials-31/.

Some tutorials also contain a Lua script. This Lua script is a conversion from the C++ script that is created in the video tutorials. Every tutorial page has a tab for C++ and Lua, unless the video is about Lua or purely meant for C++.

  1. (C++ and Lua)
  2. (C++ and Lua)
  3. (C++ and Lua)
  4. (C++ and Lua)
  5. (C++ and Lua)
  6. (C++ and Lua)
  7. (C++ and Lua)
  8. (C++ and Lua)
  9. (C++ and Lua)

  10. Introduction to Android

Edited by AggrorJorn
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Good tutorial Aggror!


Because the "move ambiguous" error ... i could bet this is because std::move.


// edit:


Yes ... look at "Leadwerks.h" at line 166... thats why "using namespace" is a bad idea.


You can solve this problem by writing ::move in your App::Start method.

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Wonderful tutorials...You convenced me to get the Android and iOS tonight, although on the Mac versions, the Xcode is set for 10.7 but I have Mountain Lion so I have to upgrade the project from out the gate, these tutorials work in XCode just as well.

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  On 3/18/2013 at 1:47 AM, Furbolg said:

Just one hint : please use c++ casts (static_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast, const_cast) and not the old c casts.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will use that next time.


  On 3/18/2013 at 3:49 AM, zumwalt said:

these tutorials work in XCode just as well.

Thats the beauty of Leadwerks 3. There may be some small programm tweaks on Mac, but the code should be pretty much the same.
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Your tutorials are centered around creating models, dealing with them by code.

Can be good for Minecraft , or generated stuff by code. But for levels made in the editor and characters placed in it, Lua is lot better.

It reminds me LE3 and people in C++ had to load the world, load and place entities and ligths (only positions where saved in the world file) so ou had to search them by names and depending on name place a character or light.

Than manage an array of entities.

Complicated sad.png



I don't have dig LE3 and C++, im' concentrating in Lua for now.


Im' curious if you could make a tutorial that would contain :

- make a solid cube floor in the editor not by code

- place goblin and barbarian in the editor not by code

- load world in C++

- Manage in C++ the barbarian to navigate to the goblin

- in C++ play fall animation of the goblin when the barbarian collides with it.


In Unity, you create a new C# file that is attached to an entity and you have like script some defined loop and start functions,

does LE 3 and C++ can work in that simple way ?


Anyway that's great tutorials.

Stop toying and make games

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I will concentrate on the basics with C++ first. When that is done, I want to start combining C++ with Lua.

The tutorials are not ment to imply that you would create an entire level by code, that is after all why we have the editor. However it is essential to learn some basics before moving on to the more complex stuff.

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I missed something.

In VS C++2010, should we must define some LeadWerks include Dll or lib ? i just opened a new C++ created project with project manager in VS C++ 2010 , but it makes one error at debug ?




I didn't find the include library part for C++ ?


perhaps i missed something else ?

Stop toying and make games

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First of all Thank you for the tutorials are needed a lot!, Also I remember with LE2 it was great the code tutorials with C++ I learned a lot.


Also please I really hope that all tutorials are focused in C++ first, because its what I know to use and I don't need lua or scripting languages. LE 3 with C++ is very powerful.

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Hi Aggror, thanks again for your valuable time. I'm opening the solution in vs2010 express but when trying to compile it I'm getting the following error:

"c:\leadwerks\engine\source\Libraries/glew-1.6.0/include/GL/glew.h(1169): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'GL/glu.h': No such file or directory"

I know it's a matter of having the proper include file, but since VS2010 doesn't allow including directories as include/libs, how can I fix it?




My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... :D

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Nevermind, I found the answer by googling it.

"Headers are in the SDK : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include\gl"

I just had to place a copy of them into "Program Files(x86)" smile.png

Moving on.

My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... :D

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