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BulletHell gj


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There's a jam on itchio that caught my eye a few months back, well it's finally came time and I entered it last weekend. My sole purpose is to de-throne the previous winner who  openly stated that Unity was the only engine that could win this compo since the player had to fire hundreds and hundreds of bullets on screen at once.   Well I have no beefs with any other engine, and my opinion is more power to them but the open challenge to prove this guy wrong was overwhelming so I joined. 

I'm currently firing 500 rounds on screen with full blown physics ( 189 fps on my lesser test system) in a 3d world...  I can't wait to shut this guy up :)   More later as this developes.



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Just finished my 10 day Bullet Hell game jam entry , I'm 70% pleased with the outcome.. I worked out about 700 physic controlled bullets on the playfield at one time with smooth frame rate! ( Another knotch in Leadwerks belt hehe ).)   I got my wife to do most of the female voiceovers in the video, theres not much but I wanted to credit her lol, the first time she's participated in gamedev. Anyways, here's the final gameplay video..  I'll be posting a link tomorrow if you would like to download this game.


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The videos look really great. I will try playing in a few minutes.

The one issue that jumped out at me was the camera shake when the player was in the air. Did you try disabling it when the player is airborne? It feels sort of unnatural to me, although I am not sure how the alternative would look.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Okay, I tried the game. It's great, but in my opinion the camera tilt when you move sideways is way too extreme, to the point of being very disorientating. That's just my feedback, maybe it won't bother other people.

The projectile particles might look better if you turn the color intensity up, or set the color to a value like 2,2,0.25. That will allow the color to ramp up so the "hot spots" are white and the periphery area is the color you want.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Hahha funny..   I trimmed down the cam tilts and stopped cam shake when airborne..   much smoother.   I couldnt do much with the particle intensity and clarity due to the fact I'm using a weird combination of ssr, fov and bloom which negates most all z-sorting features on the emitters.   

I can't wait to get Ultra engine in some of these jams.

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