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Texture in the back end wall seems blurry or low res ? it's DOF shader ?

What main shaders do you use ? Diffuse only, Diffuse +specular , normal+specular ? The floor could have a normal map perhaps.

Do you plan some Glow map shader use for some lights on floor or some level parts ?


Gorgeous hangar, reminds me Star Wars :)

Stop toying and make games

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no DOF--I texture/map by using more detail where the camera will be, and less where it won't. This usually offers a DOF-like effect.


Right now they're just Diffuse+norm+spec. The spec and normal maps were done in about 1 minute each, so they're not very defined yet. Basically just making sure everything works right now smile.png



--"There is no spoon"

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Cheers. Thanks for that :) It's quite a nice change from hardcore racing sims where I didn't have any creative license--the tracks had to look precise, the cars had to look precise, etc., etc. With this--it's my world and I can do what I want ;)

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--"There is no spoon"

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Working on the networking at the moment for Grievous Grounds using RakNet:



Filmed with my phone because I had to film two different computers. Video quality doesn't look to bad I think.

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Using Leadwerks Professional Edition (Beta), mainly using C++.

Windows 10 / Linux Mint, Visual Studio 2017. GPU: NVidia GeForce GTX970, CPU: Intel i7 7700K @ 4.20 GHz

Previously known as Evayr.

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Just did a QUICK triple head display test at 5760x1080. I was averaging about 70FPS, which I don't think is too shabby considering the optimizations both Josh and I want to do respectively.


I didn't set a proper FOV so the side displays are stretched a bit. Later, I plan on a proper implementation with 3 cameras (one for each display) that can be independently adjusted. Here's a lower res shot of the test though--this one taken from within the cockpit looking back at the closed entry hatch:



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--"There is no spoon"

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Michael_J ..I love your progress, something I would play, just from the detail of the ship interiors... great job!


Just looking at the quality work other people put into their projects tell me I have a while to go now.. been trying all sorts of things ..each thing ending in some sort of failure due to my limitations biggrin.png ..mainly in the programming area..


Example, it took me two days to set up this main menu screen, with moving asteroids, a sun that has some moving effects, menu buttons have effects when you hover over them..when you click on certain ones a new menu will slide into view...etc : http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=69955 (click the pic anywhere if you want to zoom)


But after I published a demo none of the buttons respond like they are supposed to ..when mouse hovers over them..haha ..very frustrating..




NOTE: I am not asking for help ..just noting that others seem to be able to do things better and faster tongue.png

Threadripper 2920X Gen2 CPU(AMD 12-core 24 thread) | 32Gigs DDR4 RAM | MSI Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Stock OCed | ASRock X399 Professional Gaming Motherboard | Triple M.2 500Gig SSD's in Raid0

Windows 10 Pro | Blender | Paint.NetWorld Machine | Shader Map 4 | Substance Designer | Substance Painter | Inkscape | Universal Sound FX | ProBuilder | 3D World Studio | Spacescape | OpenSky | CubeMapGen | Ecrett Music | Godot Engine | Krita | Kumoworks | GDScript | Lua | Python | C# | Leadworks Engine | Unity Engine


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  On 4/17/2014 at 6:23 PM, DudeAwesome said:

yeah thats coding wink.png its just important to keep going and motivate yourself or you never learn something new.


nice menu btw.


keep going! smile.png

  On 4/17/2014 at 6:38 PM, Michael_J said:

Cheers, BES. Nice work from you, too...


Believe me--I know what you're talking about smile.png Some days nothing ever seems to go right. About all you can do is, as Dude suggested, keep yourself motivated and just press on.


Thanks guys, this is what happens when clicking on the options button in the menu, this new one slides into place, while keeping the nice space view, can select resolutions from 800x600 all the way to 7680 x 1600 and choose between mouse, keyboard, mouse and keyboard, PC Gamepad, Joystick, steam controller, and Xbox controller: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=69958

Threadripper 2920X Gen2 CPU(AMD 12-core 24 thread) | 32Gigs DDR4 RAM | MSI Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Stock OCed | ASRock X399 Professional Gaming Motherboard | Triple M.2 500Gig SSD's in Raid0

Windows 10 Pro | Blender | Paint.NetWorld Machine | Shader Map 4 | Substance Designer | Substance Painter | Inkscape | Universal Sound FX | ProBuilder | 3D World Studio | Spacescape | OpenSky | CubeMapGen | Ecrett Music | Godot Engine | Krita | Kumoworks | GDScript | Lua | Python | C# | Leadworks Engine | Unity Engine


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  • 2 weeks later...

(Almost) Everything is working as it should be biggrin.png Unit control, chatting, combat, purchasing units and items via the store and more!






I think it's time for some 3D models instead of these placeholders

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Using Leadwerks Professional Edition (Beta), mainly using C++.

Windows 10 / Linux Mint, Visual Studio 2017. GPU: NVidia GeForce GTX970, CPU: Intel i7 7700K @ 4.20 GHz

Previously known as Evayr.

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Just a quick vid mainly to show the completion of the Leadwerks 3.1 engine integration. All the key elements that were in the old engine are back, except for the system displays (which will come from Noesis).



Next up is Noesis integration smile.png

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--"There is no spoon"

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There's a check in there at the moment that stops a unit moving twice.


The plan is you have a number of points to spend on your forces so once a unit is activated it will stay active until you pick another unit.

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Elite Cobra Squad

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  On 5/13/2014 at 12:13 PM, MonkeyAssassin8 said:

I too am fiddling around with a voxel game smile.png Haven't gotten around to adding and removing tho, but I think you can use surface->Clear(), then rebuild the surface of the mesh


BTW how do I upload images?

Thanks, I'll give it a try when I get home :) Yours looks nice, do you use Surface->Update(); or just Surface->UpdateAABB();? My Normals don't seem to turn out correctly if I only use UpdateAABB().

What kind of view distance do you run?

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  On 5/13/2014 at 7:28 PM, Shadoh said:

Thanks, I'll give it a try when I get home smile.png Yours looks nice, do you use Surface->Update(); or just Surface->UpdateAABB();? My Normals don't seem to turn out correctly if I only use UpdateAABB().

What kind of view distance do you run?


Thanks man :)


I use:


model->UpdateAABB(Entity::LocalAABB | Entity::GlobalAABB);


The view distance on that shot was 30x30 chunks at 16x16x64 each, but it doesn't run smoothly.

Mostly because the surface->Update() and model->UpdateAABB() are quite slow.

The code to generate the mesh is around 0-1 millisecond and the updates are around 10 milliseconds or more,

so nothing much I can do at the moment about that

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