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Physics crash


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I got a Cube in my scene,  I'm pushing a sphere towards it and I get random silent crashes,  after some heavy digging I came across this error, but no fn idea what it is or handles..

Assertion failed: npath < m_maxPath, file c:\users\joshk\assembla\leadwerks engine\engine\source\libraries\recastnavigation\detourcrowd\source\detourpathcorridor.cpp, line 506


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From the Detour source code:
/// @warning The size of the path must not exceed the size of corridor's path buffer set during #init().
void dtPathCorridor::setCorridor(const float* target, const dtPolyRef* path, const int npath)

So it has something to do with the navmesh system. I can test your game out if you send me a project I can run.

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Ahh... hmm is there a way to remove navmesh on my map? I've ripped out navmesh pathing in favor for a homebrew remedy so I'm not even using the nav mesh anymore.   As far as testing it out, it's pretty deeply embedded in my code, the total project is 13,000+ lines of code at this point. 


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