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Decal question


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What could I had possibly added or changed that would knock out all decals  across all maps?  The decals appear fine in the editor, but  dont show in the game field.  Was working fine up until last night when I noticed it, I checked back on a 3 day back up and they were working.  I've done a lot of stuff since then and I'm really just searching randomly trying to find what would cause them to not show up at all.    Any suggestions ? 



Also, When I walk over the area the decal should be showing at, I get this on the camera.  But goes away when I leave the area. 



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Somewhere, somehow this got added to my creation script - self.camera:SetMultisampleMode(0).
My character creation script is well over 4,000 lines of code now,  this was embedded within that block of code..  Might of been a copy/Npaste error or something, Sublime acts up from time to time.


That's what was blocking the decals...   not even sure where that line of code came from lol.  


Ty anyways.

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Yep, with multisampling disabled Leadwerks uses a 1x MSAA texture, which is a completely different type of sampler than a sampler2D. Vulkan strangely does not support 1x MSAA textures, so I have to have two completely different sets of shaders for multisample/non-multisampled.

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If you want to exclude things from decals, but can't use the settings in the entity properties in the editor, you can always remove the following lines from the shader that you use for the entity. Beware that changing a shader changes it for all entities that use that shader, so you might end up needing a separate non-decal shader with these lines removed:

if (decalmode==1) materialflags += 4;//brush
if (decalmode==2) materialflags += 8;//model
if (decalmode==4) materialflags += 16;//terrain

It's a bit hacky, but it works well.

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