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Published version


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Okay, everything is right inside the editor.. Runs fine..  The published version however does not.  It's goes through the setup, initializes the screen and then dumps out, no error.  I do not use a start.map as I have a more conventional map naming system in play. 

What does LE 4.6 do differently than my code inside the dev environment?   I use none of the lua templates that come with a fresh project by the way.

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LOL, I always spend 3 or 4 hours and can't find the problem, then come here and post about it...  then the next 5 mins I find it..  

Problem was due to a local stream, a text file I had used to store names in.   I moved it over to the published directory and bam. . .  easy like Sunday morning. :)

Oh while I'm here,  is there a way to move the .cfg file from the appdata folder to the local game directory? I mean is there a way to force LE to read that cfg. file instead of the default .cfg file in the AppData folder?

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My compiled version refuses to run,  runs fine in the editor but in published mode it crashes without notice right after it initializes the screen. 

The log file in the appdata folder shows this as the last two lines. 

Loading shader "C:/tempgame2/Shaders/Drawing/drawprimitive.shader"...
Error: Assert failed.

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Okay this is quite disturbing ...   I zipped up a set of LOGS from both the Editor and the Published version..   My published version seems to only be loading 50% of my media! where as the editor/enviroment logs runs fine and loads all media..

What's happening here... 

PS: Including all media seemed to stopped the crashes, my zip file went from 109mb to 276mb however :(



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