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Friends-Only lobbies not appearing?

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I've gotten reports that people have trouble with joining friends-only lobbies i.e. they simply do not appear in the list.

I've spend the past 2 hours experimenting and I noticed that the Lobby::Public setting works fine, but lobbies set to Lobby::FriendsOnly simply aren't detected by Lobby::Count().
Here's the lobby creation code:

std::string lobbytype = "private";
if (permissions == 0)
	lobbytype = "public";
	currentlobby = Lobby::Create(4, Lobby::Public);
else if (permissions == 1)
	lobbytype = "friends";
	currentlobby = Lobby::Create(4, Lobby::FriendsOnly);
	currentlobby = Lobby::Create(4, Lobby::Private);

if (currentlobby != nullptr)
  currentlobby->SetString("game", title);
  currentlobby->SetString("type", lobbytype);
  currentlobby->SetString("mission", "0");
  currentlobby->SetString("description", serverdescription->GetText());


And here I fetch the lobbies when someone goes into the join menu:

int count = Lobby::Count();
System::Print("Lobbies available: " + std::to_string(count));
for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)
  Lobby* lobby = Lobby::Get(n);
  if (lobby->GetString("game") == title && lobby->GetString("type") == jointype)
    std::string desc = lobby->GetString("description");
    if (desc == "") desc = "(No name)";
    desc += "  |  " + std::to_string(lobby->CountMembers()) + "/4";

    if (lobbylist->CountItems() == 0)
      lobbylist->AddItem(desc, true);
      selectedlobby = lobby;

I've solved it now by setting friends-only lobbies to Public and setting lobby owner's SteamID in the lobby strings (SetString()). When I fetch the lobbies in the join menu I simply check if the steamID is this user's friend by using the GetFriendRelationship() API call.

This seems to work fine for now, but I'm wondering if I'm missing something dumb with the FriendsOnly thing :P

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I replaced both headers and libraries and I ran into zero issues. Granted, I am not using the the built in Steamworks singleton class nor any networking features, but things like Steam Input (Which isn't in the library packaged) and app verification works.

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