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I'm looking for verification that this is normal behavior and if so what steps are needed to get around it.  In code I'm loading several entitys(mdl) at a give time. Like so

            local ef =Model:Load("Materials/Particles/planeeffect/explo1/explo1.mdl")
            ef:SetScript("Materials/Particles/planeeffect/explo1/explo1.lua", true)

I understand theres more efficient way to do this but this is how I've broke it down for this example.
So I'm not using Instance or Copy as you can see, why is the same surface shared between 4 distinct entitys loaded separately using no instancing or copying. In the pic I have colored each of the entitys a different color to show my claim.   Each call to SetColor would change all 6 objects.  Is this the nature of the engine or is there a hidden step I need to take to have separate surfaces on these models since.   

Does AddRef() count come into play here? or is that just to prevent models from being deleted. 


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