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physics rotation


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Since my last few problems went unanswered, i assume no one knows the answer or its just some broke stuff in le, who knows. Im faced with a new problem now, possibly my last problem if I cannot get it solved.   Im try to place an object, in this case a beach ball, on the map in my player hand. The beach ball is a prefab with a phycs rigid body since I need the collision data.  Everything so far I described is fine, but here what I cannot figure out.  Once i get the ball into the scene how do I rotate the ball to match my players rotation. If i use standard setrotation  then i break physics. I need a starting orientation for this damn beach ball then i can apply velocity or force or whatever to make it go forward.

This engine has been  out for 12 yrs now, surely somehow a way to load a physics entity and set a starting rotation has be resolved?


This is what i came up with so far 

    local item=Model:Load("Models/Misc/damnbeachball.mdl")
    local pos = glo.player:GetPosition()
    item:Move(0,.3,-.2)    --- line up to his hand // bone local seems to be off and i cannot find any damn Tformvector commands in le

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I could understand if this was a laser cube like in Portal 2, but why do you need the ball to rotate? You should be getting the vector of the player direction with Transform:Vector and applying velocity based on that.

Going from your code, try:

local item=Model:Load("Models/Misc/damnbeachball.mdl")
local pos = glo.player:GetPosition()
--item:SetRotation(glo.player:GetRotation()) -- < You can possibly use PhysicsSetRotation, but it's a deprechated command.
item:Move(0,.3,-.2)    --- line up to his hand bone local seems to be off and i cannot find any damn Tformvector commands in le

-- Throw the object way from the player
local force = Vec3(0,0, 10) 
local v = Transform:Vector(force, glo.player, nil)

Not sure what kind of game you're trying to make but you should be loading that model once on Start() and then instancing that reference. Don't call Model:Load during runtime or else you'll have hitches. 

Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

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