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Maybe Tyler could tell you a bit on this, but the raycasting is more than bugged in my version of the headers. I haven't experimented with it in LE or C/C++, so I didn't know how to translate it correctly. Here is my source for it. @Tyler, feel free to fix it:


using System;

namespace Leadwerks
public class Pick
	public Core.TPick Structure { get; private set; }

	public Vector3 Position
			return new Vector3(Structure.x, Structure.y, Structure.z);

	public Vector3 Normal
			return new Vector3(Structure.nx, Structure.ny, Structure.nz);

	public Entity Entity
			return new Entity(Structure.entity);

	public Surface Surface
			return new Surface(Structure.surface);

public static class Raycasting
	public static bool PointVisible(Vector3 origin, Vector3 end, float radius, int collisionType)
		return Convert.ToBoolean(Core.PointVisible(origin.ToFloatArray(), end.ToFloatArray(), radius, collisionType, IntPtr.Zero));

	public static bool EntityVisible(Entity origin, Entity end, float radius, int collisionType)
		return Convert.ToBoolean(Core.EntityVisible(origin.Pointer, end.Pointer, radius, collisionType, IntPtr.Zero));

	public static bool LinePick(Pick pick, Vector3 origin, Vector3 end, float radius, int collisionType)
		return Convert.ToBoolean(Core.LinePick(pick.Structure, origin.ToFloatArray(), end.ToFloatArray(), radius, collisionType, IntPtr.Zero));

	public static bool EntityPick(Pick pick, Entity entity, float range, float radius, int collisionType)
		return Convert.ToBoolean(Core.EntityPick(pick.Structure, entity.Pointer, range, radius, collisionType, IntPtr.Zero));

	public static bool CameraPick(Pick pick, Camera camera, Vector3 position, float radius, int collisionType)
		return Convert.ToBoolean(Core.CameraPick(pick.Structure, camera.Pointer, position.ToFloatArray(), radius, collisionType, IntPtr.Zero));

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Not sure what is going on with your Pick.Structure property there?


You need to use an attribute tag on your declaration of Pick:


I assume you have a using System.Runtime.InteropServices; at the top of your file, which you should always have if dealing with stuff between the managed <-> unmanaged boundary, which you are.



public class Pick





That *should* be what you need to do, though I am not 100% sure. It seems most likely like you are dealing with an issue with the packing of your structure's members in memory.


Since these are private forums, I hope I don't get in trouble with posting this little bit of engine.dll source:

Function CameraPick_:Int(pick:Byte Ptr,camera:TCamera,p:Float Ptr,radius:Float=0.0,collisionType:Int,pickfilter:Byte Ptr=Null) "win32"
Local pick1:TPick
If pick1
	MemCopy pick,pick1,4*9
	Return 1


If you notice the call to MemCopy, it is copying 4 bytes per element * 9 elements.


EDIT: Ah, I see Structure is the core TPick thing, in that case, put the attribute tag on the declaration of the Core.TPick class, not the Pick class. :(

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I can almost guarantee this fix will work.


If not, all the "out" keywords will just need changed to "ref" keywords and it is smooth sailing.


I had to consult my old Survival game I wrote in C# for Leadwerks 2.0, which had some LinePicks so the player could interact with entities and carry things around.

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