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Test 1 of my game


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erm ... dont use example code i am posting while figuring stuff out myself huh.png - in that matter do we talk about throwing a physics controller into the scene while still loading the map (the latest bit i posted) or using appspeed to equalise framerates.


1. load the gamedata / map, force pause screen and let the player enter/spawn into a stable environment.


2. use VsyncOn and live with the 60 fps or cap the frames yourself (timebased rendering vs. framebased).


Dont take every bit as granted - we all work from different preconditions ... imho.

AMD 64 X2 Dual 5k - 4GB - XFX GForce9800GT - nv196.21 - WinXP Sp3

zBrush4R2 - Silo2Pro - Unwrap3DPro - Gile - MaPZone2.5




Xxploration FPS in progress ...

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  On 4/19/2012 at 11:59 AM, Jorgernout Timm said:





Graphics(Width,Height,(Fullscreen * 32));


Now that - is pure elegance... Trust me, I'm a pro... unsure.png

LE Version: 2.50 (Eventually)

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Guest Red Ocktober

if you only want to add a splash screen (no loading bars or anything), why make a new class... why not simply insert a few lines of code (like the ones below) to your game class before all the scene loading logic...


the splashScreenVariable could be an arg in your game.init (or whatever you call it)


(blitzmax code below, should be easily translatable)


DrawImage(splashScreen, 0,0,1024,1024);



you can even play a sound while the rest of the stuff is loading...



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First my idea was to make a splashscreenclass with fade in and fade out function ,where you can give the time as a parameter.I will use this class for the intro(some screens like "Works good on Core 2 Dual Extreme" xD) and later for a loadscreen.

The second point isa ,that my game is based on some state classes.I use 3 classes for State_Introclass/Menuclass/Gameclass and an enum for a state variable.


So it is better to make everything OOP ,so that I can edit the object for new features or corrections.


Please don't joke about my skills.I can't express all what I mean and everything what you say in english,because I'am not an English...

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Guest Red Ocktober
Please don't joke about my skills.I can't express all what I mean in english,because I'am not an English...


my involvement in this discussion is only done in an effort to help (if i can), and also that i might to learn something...


my skillset is not that far above anyone here as to give me the right to joke about anyone else's skills... as a matter of fact, it is probably far lower than the average coder here...


so... if you're gonna take anything that i posted here as a personal affront, well... just let me know now, and i'll stop posting in this and in other of your your threads... i've got a ton of stuff on my plate that need to be done before the day ends, and getting into a pissing contest with someone who i'm trying to help out is something that i really don't have time for...


i hope that you understand enough english so that you can clearly understand what i'm saying...



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Yes I understand ,your not the person I mean,I thought the post "@mumbles - i dont questioning skills ... how could i.

By bumping the fine detail of linux however you have to live with remarks, every now and again me thinks. biggrin.png " is a kind of joke about my skills....


I hope you don't think I'm angry about something ,it's only the fact ,that this test/demp whatever don't run on some computers and it is a little bit painful for me :D

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Tried this on my old PC today (Pentium4 with 1Gb of RAM and 3850 AGP card) and it runs beautifully averaging between 22 and 25 fps at 1360 x 768. I'll try it on my main development PC later.


I really like the look and feel of this, with the amount of fog I think the bright sky works even though the ground level looks dark and moody with that slightly de-saturated high contrast look. That combined with the background music makes it really atmospheric.


Where are you hoping to go with this? What's the intended game play?

Intel Core i5 2.66 GHz, Asus P7P55D, 8Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX460 1Gb DDR5, Windows 7 (x64), LE Editor, GMax, 3DWS, UU3D Pro, Texture Maker Pro, Shader Map Pro. Development language: C/C++

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Thanks for trying :)


My first idea was to make this kind of fog atmosphere with the bright to make it a little bit more interesting for the player.I think I would first make a kind of zombie game with some levels and weapons.Then I would like to add a multiplayer mode for deathmatch or something like that.

So I haven't a accurate idea yet,maybe somebody else have :D

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