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Custom Object not calling Create/Free correctly


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My custom object doesn't seem to be calling object:Free() and object:CreateObject() correctly and I can't figure out why. I have Notify() inside both CreateObject() and Free(). When I originally add it to the scene I get a "Inside create" message but when I run the game then exit the game you normally would get Free() called followed by CreateObject(), but for this object below neither get called. I must be doing something wrong.




--- create the class
local class=CreateClass(...)

function class:CreateObject(model)
local object=self.super:CreateObject(model)

Notify("Inside create")

function object:Round(num, idp)
	local mult = 10^(idp or 0)
	return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

function object:Free(model)
	Notify("Inside free")

function object:SetKey(key, value)

function object:GetKey(key, value)

function object:Update()

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The model to this object has the material.abstract::invisible.bmp applied to it. Would that have any effect on it? I wouldn't think so. The lights have the same thing. I'm very confused as to why this barebone object isn't having it's CreateObject() and Free() being called correctly.

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I place this object into my scene via drop and drag, then run the game script from the editor. I put Notify's inside other entities like lights and when I exit game mode they all call Free() then CreateObject(). So not sure why my entity here isn't. If I go into the script of my entity and save it, it does call Free() then CreateObject(), but not after the game mode is ran then exited back to the editor.

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Well here is something interesting. If I remove the SetKey() and GetKey() it works. So what am I doing wrong with those 2 functions that's causing issues?


Bah, nevermind I copied from the template and it's working. Man that's a pain that because those 2 methods didn't return a value it totally hosed everything up. ><

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