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Engine supported Cloth Physics

Rekindled Phoenix

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I already seen a little team implementing Nvidia Physix for some basic cloath wihtout too much difficulty.

I don't know if this library is more complex or easy to integrate ?


It will add lot of dynamaic and life to characters, the main clothes i see can be on hair of characters, capes, some parts of a jacket etc ...

or on some static clothes , like flags and any other things in the level !


The best way for performance is to use it cleverly, like on the character Hero only, or not all ennemies, or using it only on one part for each character.

The number of points (vertex) or bones and precision, update frequency is what will affect performance.

Once again i don't know if it is possible to upadte physics cloths each second , than interpolate ? it would be a lot of performance gain perhaps.

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  On 1/13/2012 at 10:09 AM, YouGroove said:

The best way for performance is to use it cleverly, like on the character Hero only, or not all ennemies, or using it only on one part for each character.

The number of points (vertex) or bones and precision, update frequency is what will affect performance.

Once again i don't know if it is possible to upadte physics cloths each second , than interpolate ? it would be a lot of performance gain perhaps.


Yeh you don't say...... I wasn't asking a question I was making a statement.

STS - Scarlet Thread Studios

AKA: Engineer Ken


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